TMC FORM- Titania

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Name: Titania 'Shida'
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Last name: Yost
Ethnicity: South African
Animal: Kalahari Lion
Personality: Titania is more of a loner who'd rather analyze situations rather than shoot first ask questions later. Avoiding interactions is common with her and is more chill then some other 'feline hybrid'. Though that doesn't mean there's no aggression in her, it's just more hidden and prone to snap at the wrong times or at the little things. Has difficulty showing her real feelings and tends to push others away too much. Overall a big ol tsundere. However, you do manage to get along with her, Titania will be super loyal and willing to do anything if it means helping you. More cooperative this way as well and completes tasks more eagerly. Some may think she's mean when it comes to deliberately avoiding others and her 'survival of the fittest', mindset.
Strengths: Titania thrives in higher temperatures and skilled in survival tactics. Also has a hefty endurance.
Weaknesses: Swimming, doesn't like being alone, afraid of fire/guns and the dark.
Appearance: She has naturally tawny skin, and dark brown (almost black) hair. Her hair also has completely natural blonde highlights in the ends/tips which persistently grow back no matter how much you try and cut them off. Larger, lion ears also poke out of her hair.  Nails are pointed and sharp, very strong as well. Titania has a muscular figure, not very bulky but still very strong nonetheless. Her   teeth are sharp but there's more power in her bite than teeth alone. Many scars lace her body, thick and thin.
Animal characteristics: Lion ears, tail with a black tuft at the end. Large hands and feet. Claws and sharp teeth. Capable of roaring and more lion-like sounds. Has a built in 'survival of the fittest' mindset, though it can get rid of. Also has another built-in habit of 'claiming things' for her own and not allowing others near such a thing
Aggression: 7/10
Backstory: Titania was born in a tribe of hybrids hidden in the South African wilderness. There were about fifty or so hybrids that lived there peacefully, knowing they could live off the land without the humans' discriminatory actions. It was until she was twelve did an anti-hybrid group similar to the Black Hornets discovered the tribe's territory and camp. The group invaded at midnight, burning their land and nearly killing them all with their guns. Titania was separated from the survivors among the chaos and ended up having to wander the hostile environment on her own for the next three years. She was driven away by many prides and nearly killed in one after a different male took over. Titania was found by a village's residents shortly after collapsing, dehydrated, hungry, and wounded. She would stay there for a short while until news got out of her 'miracle story'. People from the US came over and took her to America for a reason still unknown to her. Titania ended up having to attend the behavioral camp after moving here, accused of being 'feral' by many.

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