Nadia Briggs (TMC)

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Name:  Nadia
Nickname: Wildcat, kitty (will promptly murder you)
Last name: Briggs
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Mixed
Animal: Domestic Long-Haired Cat
Personality: Nadia is not the most social butterfly out there though that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy other's company being around. Doesn't really care about personal space or 'touchy subjects' and will still bluntly continue on. Usually described as blunt, gruff, and not giving a crap about jack squat. Not the type to start fights over nothing, though it may seem like the opposite to others.
Strengths: Very quick on her feet, bite hurts a lot, claws can do a good amount of damage, knows how to use a knife/gun properly. Easily can say no
Weaknesses: Socializing is not her strong suit. Has difficulty expressing things. Can't swim and doesn't plan on learning anyways. Enjoys 'spoiling herself' too much to the point of doing things she'd later regret.
Wild or tame: Wild
Appearance: Long, wavy dark brown hair that reaches her waist. Olive skin and almost-mismatched eyes. Her right eye is more blue while the other is a weird shade of green. Areas of her skin become a grayish color, such as down her spine or a streak up her forearms. Instead of normal human ears, black cat ears sprout, a very dark brown like her hair and alongside fluffy tail. Nails are long and naturally sharp. Surprisingly super strong and don't break easily.
Animal characteristics: Ears, tail, nail/claws, and more of the little features such as,, enhanced hearing, very flexible, farsighted focus, palms are tough like paw pads. The inability to eat stuff raw like most hybrids but can ingest cat food but that's only for emergencies. Pupils can turn to slits like a cats' in bright areas.
Aggression: 6/10
Backstory: Ran away from home when she was twelve and never looked back. Lowkey got 'adopted into' a motorcycle gang after one of the members started to take care of her. Her caretaker ended up getting arrested and to escape having to see her parents again, Nadia chose to come to this camp instead.
Other: Tail is actually really long and fluffy to the point where it can drag on the floor behind her

Other: Tail is actually really long and fluffy to the point where it can drag on the floor behind her

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