Part 2 Bonding

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Hey Ame! Philip said. Ame turned and asked, Do I know you? It's me Philip! Phil answered. Oh sorry it's just that your profile was a flower, Ame said. Heh it's called a "sampaguita" Phil said. Ame answered, It's beautiful like you. Philip choked when America's words filled his ears. His face turned red and his breath fastened. Hello? Philip? Earth to Philip? Ame said. As soon as he heard Ame he snapped out of it. Phil are you ok? You zoned out. Ame said worriedly. Yeah I'm fine, Philip answered.

(Ame POV)
Philip's face became red after I complemented him. But I have to admit he is cute. Ugh what am I thinking!? Father will be disappointed in me. He's only a friend. As we finished talking we headed to the cafe next to the park. We sat down and waited as a waiter came to take our order. I'll have the sundae please. Umm a Cappuccino for me, Philip said. As we waited for the food I couldn't help but get absorbed in his beauty. His beautiful eyes, His tender skin, His gorgeous face, and- Ame are you okay? Phil asked. Yeah why? Oh nothing it's just the foods here, Philip answered. Yeah ok, I said back. As I was eating my sundae I looked at Phil's face. He looked familiar. Wait,  My eyes are toying with me as they flipped Philip's colors. Martial. . .

To Be Continued

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