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(1 Part Story)

Date: September 25, 1964

"Welcome aboard the S.S Minnow, M'aam! Here, let me help you on board."

The Skipper, (Jonas Grumby) offers the young woman a hand to help get her onto the boat with a warm, crooked grin, bowing his captains hat forward in a welcome.

"Why thank you, sir!"

The woman; who has luscious brown locks styled up in pigtails, smiles back. Skipper can only describe her as gentle but sweet.

Four other passengers get on board as well: A movie star from Hollywood, a millionaire and his wife, a science professor, and the farm girl from earlier. This trip was going to be an enjoyable yet relaxing journey. Skipper could just tell by the sun shining bright in the sky, the calm waters, the laughter of everyone on the boat, and the absence of the stupidity from his First Mate, Gilligan.

Gilligan is a lanky young boy who commonly does not have the smartest head on his shoulders. After an incident the day before, Skipper had a deep conversation with Gilligan about the safety of himself, and everyone else on the boat during the tours. He has been proving himself for the past four trips earlier in the day; trying his hardest to obey by the captain's orders and not getting off task.

"Gilligan! Cast off, everything is set!"

"Aye Aye, Skipper!"

Gilligan salutes before untying the boat from the docks at the Honolulu Marina. The S.S. Minnow set sail on a three hour tour of the area, just as it had many times beforehand. The Skipper gives orders to Gilligan, keeping the passengers comfortable and getting to know them.

"So... what's your name?"

Gilligan says quickly as he looks over at the older lady on the ship. Her husband began to get defensive. He hugs his wife close to him, adjusting the hat on his head; glancing at Gilligan with crazy, glaring eyes.

"How dare you talk to my beautiful Lovey in that tone??!"

"O-Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Howell."

"Only some kind of fiend talks to a Howell like that. Where are your manners?"

"Thurston, the boy was only asking for my name. Weren't you now, Gilligan?"

"Uh- Yes m'aam."

Gilligan nods cautiously, adjusting the cap on his head and glancing at Skipper for a split second to see if his ship mate saw the slight mess up. He sighs of relief when Skipper was not paying any attention to him at the moment. But he had a certain look on his face that told Gilligan that something wasn't right. Skipper wouldn't take his eyes off of the sky, that made Gilligan even more curious and concerned. Before speaking again, Gilligan looks back at the Skipper with a concerned look plastered across his face.


"Not now, Gilligan."

"It's kind of impor-"

"I said, not now, Gilligan!"

Skipper cuts off the younger boy mid sentence as he looks at his compass then back at the sky. That made Gilligan wince.

"Sorry, Skipper..."

Gilligan spoke timidly as his head dropped, turning back to the passengers. The movie star, Ginger Grant stood up and walked over to Gilligan, wrapping her arm around him seductively.

"Don't worry about the Skipper, Gilligan. Everything will be alright."

She spoke softly and slowly with a soft smile as she looks right into Gilligan's eyes. Gilligan gets an uncomfortable feeling, laughing it off before backing away from Ginger nodding with a dumb grin on his face.

"I-I Uh, I know-"


"Yes, Skipper?"

Gilligan quickly scatters from Ginger and over to Skipper.

"The weather seems to be changing quickly... we need to turn around as soon as we can and head back to the docks. Let them know everything is okay. Can you do that for me, Little Buddy?"

"Aye Aye, Skipper!"

Gilligan runs back to the passengers, they all get curious asking what Skipper told him.

"He said that the weather isn't in good conditions anymore and we need to go back right now.

"Are we gonna be okay?"

The young farm girl, Mary Ann Summers asks concerned.

"I think so?"

Gilligan questioned and shrugs, looking up at the sky.

"Oh! I'm too young to die!!"

Gilligan jumps at Mary Ann's voice raise. The Professor wraps his arms around Mary Ann.

"Hollywood can't survive without me!"

Ginger speaks a little louder than usual.

"Everything will be alright, girls. I'm sure the Skipper and Gilligan have a plan."

"Yea, Yea! We do!"

The dark clouds roll in, the ocean waves began rocking the small boat viciously about. Gilligan's eyes widen.


He speaks quietly before jumping when the Skipper yells,


The Skipper calls his First Mate. Gilligan runs over to Skipper, listening to his every order. The wind starts to pick up, waves splashing over board. The sound of the girls screaming made Gilligan realize they all were in serious danger. He threw the anchor over board but nothing stopped the ship from moving. Gilligan and Skipper try their hardest to keep the boat afloat, and to keep everyone safe. Things get extremely out of hand before everything got washed out by a huge wave.

The next day, the Skipper wakes up on the ship, he realizes his surroundings and memories from the day before began to flood back into his mind. Skipper sits up, looking around and jumping off of the ship onto the beach, looking at the damage.

"Gilligan... Gilligan!... GILLIGAN!"

Gilligan jolts awake and looks around in panic.

"Skipper??? Skipper???"

"Down here, Gilligan."

The young boy gasps and stands up,

"Oh no... Man overboard..."

Gilligan says quietly to himself before yelling out,

"I'll save you, Skipper!!!!"

He says as he jumps off of the deck of the boat and body slamming down onto the beach, face first into he sand. Skipper walks over and pulls his Little Buddy up by his red shirt, still damp from the storm.

"The Minnow has been beached..."


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