chapter 19

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donghyuck forced his eyes open as he felt a finger prodding at his cheek, yangyang stood sheepishly caught in the act "sorry, they just look incredibly soft"

donghyuck stared at the boy incredulously "d-did you just? aren't you guys supposed to kill me or something?" he spluttered, marvelling at how he wasn't dead in a ditch yet

yangyang laughed nervously "well yes and no, zhenting thinks you're cute and useful so we aren't doing anything but holding you hostage for a while. you'll be free in a couple of hours though" he smiled brightly

donghyuck felt his head hurt processing the situation "but didn't you kidnap me? you're part of that trio aren't you" he said accusingly, narrowing his eyes at the boy

"yes and yes" a deep voice replied as xiaojun entered donghyucks sight followed by hendery

"but we don't intend any harm to you," he said defensively

"not anymore" hendery smirked

donghyuck gulped, hendery broke out in a charming smile "just kidding"

donghyuck nodded, deciding to trust the boys and dismissed them as a threat

he gasped suddenly, sitting up on the shockingly pink sofa he had been placed onto "mark! and oh my god kun! they don't what happened, i need to tell them" he panicked

"sorry, no can do" another voice spoke, a lengthy boy entered the room

the new boy had and interesting x-shaped slit on his left brow and tousled long hair

he had the feel of a mature male but his youthful features gave away that he was younger

"i'm justin" he grinned, putting his hand out towards donghyuck

donghyuck clasped his hand cautiously, shaking it tentatively

"why" he pouted, he wanted to let his friends and brother know he was ok and not to worry

justin slouched against the wall, crossing his arms casually "zhenting is going to meet moon today and go through some stuff and doesn't want any interferences from either side. whatever happens, you'll be released but if things don't go our way your safety isn't guaranteed"

donghyuck nodded silently, looking down at his fingers suddenly finding them more interesting than the four other handsome males

hendery frowned at the boy who was usually bursting with life, turning to yangyang he whispered into his ear causing the other to grin

yangyang marched over to donghyuck and gripped his shoulders

"you up for a little makeover?"


mark anxiously tapped his foot as he leaned forward in his seat, trying to figure out where taeil was driving to and how long it would be until they arrived

all he had been told before leaving was "we're going to get your boy" which made him scramble to his feet and rush down

taeil noticed mark's nervous habit "be patient markie, he's safe with zhenting. he's not dull enough to mess up like that. and donghyuck is stronger than you think"

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