chapter 2

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donghyuck entered the sleek club building, the dim seductively lit room was relatively empty except for the staff and performers stretching, preparing for their upcoming stage. renjun and jaemin tailed behind him

"we'll be over here hyuckie" the pair said, making themselves comfortable in the far corner

donghyuck hummed, nodding in response as he made his way towards a tall male hunched over at the bar, eyebrows furrowed in frustration and sleeves rolled up

"hey hyung, i'm here, i'll be in the back getting ready" he alerted the male, peering over to see what the latter was currently working on

johnny hastily covered up the array of papers littered over the counter, but not before the younger caught a glimpse of a particular image, silver crescent moon

"oh hey hyuck, ten and taeyong are in the back waiting"

donghyuck nodded and made his way into the backstage rooms, passing renjun with jaemin;s head in between his arms in a chokehold, donghyuck rolled his eyes at the familiar sight as he entered the room

"hi hyungs, ready for tonight?" he greeted the males dusting themselves in glitter

one with softly coloured pink hair whipped around and ran towards the younger, enveloping him in a hug "channie, finally!! it's been so long since we did a stage together"

donghyuck wriggled out of the elder's tight grasp "yeah, sorry, school is a bitch"

"ugh i know right, i say drop out, fuck school, don't listen to your teachers" the shorter of the duo spoke out

"ten, that's such bad advice, hyuckie here isn't going to end up like YOU"

"shut up twinkyong, we're the same"

donghyuck giggled at his hyung's bickering and began his ritual of warming his voice up


"which do you think looks better? black or grey?"

mark glanced, uninterested, as his friend presented him with the two clothing options. "you can never go wrong with black"

jeno sighed "you always choose black" but still slid the silk button up over his head onto his torso anyway

"remind me why i agree to go to this with you again?" he questioned

"because you love me"

mark sighed and fished out the vibrating phone in his pocket, accepting the call from "bread"

"mark, why aren't you and jeno ready yet? i'm outside waiting, be down in five or i'm skrting off without you"

"got it hyung" ending the call before the elder could add on

grabbing his friend ignoring his whining protests about looking good and exited the humble apartment the pair shared, entering the sleek black car parked outside

"finally" jaehyun exclaimed and drove off towards their destination

after the painful ride filled with conversations about jenos cats and jaehyuns reminders about the upcoming mission, mark stumbled out of the car, inhaling the fresh air and followed the rest of his company through the large black ominous doors.

low music was playing and the seats were filled with various types, businessmen there after a long stressful day, not so faithful husbands, sleazy old men smoking cigars and surprisingly two boys around marks age in the corner

mark recognised the pair as jeno's latest interest and the small stonefaced boy who always had his hand up during classes. mark snickered as he saw as the pair also caught jeno's eye leaving him with a shocked expression

"i didn't think they were the type to be at a strip club, I'm surprised dinglehyuck isn't with them" he muttered

mark relayed jeno's words through his mind, curious to see where the hoodie boy was since he apparently was glued to the pair

he watched as his friend helplessly stared at the boys, yanking his arm and pulling him towards the boys and stopping in front of them

renjun and jaemin looked up at the unannounced pair, their faces mirroring confusion "um hello?"

mark pushed his friend down "here, talk to them you hopeless rat" causing jeno's face to be flushed with an unattractive shade of red

mark sauntered off leaving his helpless friend with the confused pair and made his way to the bar where he had spotted his towering hyung. taking a seat next to him

"hey mark, you actually came?" johnny said with an amused smile, watching jeno trying to strike up a conversation with jaemin

"jeno dragged me here because he wanted dick" 

"ah yes, the wingman i see," the taller said emitting a deep chuckle "i'll have a chat with you two after the show about it"

johnny slid mark a glass of what he presumed was coke and stood up from his seat, stretching then entering the back room"

mark sighed as he watched the girls on stage, wrapped around the poles and snorted as one of the un-gracefully slid down the pole


johnny peeked into the backstage room "you're on now" alerting donghyuck and the now glittered up taeyong and ten


the clubs lights went out

a red glow spread from the stage

the subtle touch of a hidden fog machine setting the mood

and then he heard it


804 words

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter sucks :( stay tuned for the next chapter though ;p wink wonk

but a huge thank you to everyone that's been voting on this story <3 i love yall

ok i should sleep now, i have school early tmmrw :'(

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