Chapter 2

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Hah! you thought I was being serious didn't ya..

Of course not...

I don't have that kind of melodramatic family life like in those teen fiction novels..

   Parents are dead,Foster mother hates me and no one loves me,
     Boo hoo

Only the broken heart of a egotistic, cold, handsome bastard whom I'm DESTINED to change with my pureness and kind heart.
Cause I'm the apparently the one person who doesn't chase after his vast wealth and devilish looks

Oh My!!

Well sorry to break it to ya, but this isn't a fiction sweethearts,it's real life.
   No overly possessive, creepy stalker aka my one and only prince charming is gonna come snatch me up out a abusive home and ride off into the sunset  with me.

Even if that happens (unlikely) we're more likely to ride off into the sunset and then in our lovestruck bliss not realize that there is a fricking 20 foot cliff in front of us and 'oh so happily' fall to our gruesome deaths,
Blood and limbs splattered everywhere..

On the plus side though since prince charming over here is so rich then our funerals would be lavish as hell...Me and my new ghost friends can take the time to party over my dead body while gorging on ghost food and getting ghost drunk..scaring the crap outta all the fake bitches there...

Sounds awesome when you think about it..

Now back to the situation,

I immediately started whining like a  little brat (which I'm proud to say I am)..

"Moommmm, I caaannnt"

"And why is that"


"Because what!??"

"Just because"

"There is no because"

"But there is a cause"

We went like this back and forth for a while before, mother decided enough was enough,

"Are you pregnant"


"Did you carry a living human being for 6 months inside your stomach, having constant diarrhea, farting, vomiting, and back pain"


"Did you start craving weird food combos,having mood swings and feeling shitty every day just because some idiot forgot how to use a fucking condom and knocked you up"


"Then that's your answer,Go get my 🍨 ice cream sweetie"

Flipping her messy dark brown hair which I fortunately got from her she slammed the door as she went back inside, to watch her shitty Drama series

Leaving ME sulky and speechless at the door.

Sighing I could only turn around and trudge down the stairs. Knowing I'd lost this argument.

Hurrying to my room, which was  I dear the say the most cleanest room in the house (not) because Fun fact mother would die before she ever took up a vacuum and cleaned the damn house once in a while.

I changed into the cleanest pair of sweats I could find, which coincidentally was my only one,as mother decided it was ok to steal my clothes and NOT RETURN IT EVER!!.

It had a few stains but meh!! I was going just around to the corner store and I'm sure the bitchy cashier wouldn't even look at me more than enough time to roll her eyes and pop her gum; (Girl your breath must be stink as hell from chewing that dried up piece of gum, girl spit that shit out) and with my average looks no matter how much I tried to dress up,I'd still be just that, Average.

Feeling a bit put out by my thoughts, I tried my best to think happy.

Only now remembering that I had seemed to have spotted a solid 50 in that pile of bills mother had handed me.......


Oh God that's the reason I hadn't filed for child abuse when I was younger.

I loved that beautiful woman.

Lorrin Valence you are awesome!!.

With renewed enthusiasm I rushed into the Hall grabbing a pair of worn out converse along the way, struggling to pull them over my large ass feet as I ran out the door.
  Calling out as I slammed the door( Yes hoes,I took it from her )
" I love you mom, I'll be right back"

I didn't get to hear her reply and frankly I didn't really care to be honest but really If I had known what would have happened next I would have never left that freaking house...

Hey guys this chapter was longer than the rest, I had a bit of writers block but I tried to make it as funny as possible,Sorry for the cliffhanger but If you want to know what happen next please read on.
Remember to vote,it helps me alot, Bye Bye

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