[M] Chapter Eleven [M]

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Since it's been weekend, here's an update for ya'll ;)

(Rosé's P.O.V.)

I'm at the mall, in a bookstore. I need to get a book that has a real life story, except for the stories that are popular, like Titanic, something like that . Because Ms. Jennie assigned it to us, and we will make a research about it

"Why didn't I just searched through google?" I mumbled as I looked above where all the books are placed on the shelf

I sighed "Stupid, stupid..." I mumbled as I shook my head and took my phone from my pocket

"Great. I forgot, there is no wifi..." I mumbled and groaned loudly. I tucked my phone back in my pocket

I walked closer to the bookshelves and checked the book one by one. At the middle of the shelf there was none, it's all fictions

At the top, I saw a book that caught my eyes. I quickly tried to reach for it, I sighed and tip toed. "Come on, I'm already 5'7 yet I'm still short to reach this?" I whispered to myself

Then I was about to grab it when suddenly I lost my balance "Shit!" I yelped in surprise and waited for the impact to hit me

After a few seconds I opened my eyes, seeing two pair of eyes looking at me. "Hi..." She said. My eyes went wide in shock

I quickly stood up straight and regained my posture. "H-hello..." I greeted back while blushing, this is so embarrasing

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly " I saw you trying to reach for a book, and I stayed at my spot for a sec, because maybe you'll lose balance. And I was right" she said with a light chuckle

I chuckled awkwardly "Thank you, Chu..." I said shyly. I am so dead. FUCK I HAVE TO ASK HER OUT!

I am internally panicking when I remembered our bet earlier. "So, umm... What are you doing?" She asked curiously

"Oh, I was just-uh... I was just looking for a book that's, real life story." I said as I tucked a hair strand behind my hear

"Hmmm... How about Titanic?" She asked suggestively. I shook my head

"No. Ms. Jennie said that we should find a book that's real life story and not yet well known by others." I said

Then her mouth turned into an 'o' "Jennie is such a picky. Tsk tsk tsk~" she said as she shook her head. Making those cute pouty lips

I smiled at her, she's so cute. Especially when I look down on her because I'm taller than her. She's so cute!

"Oh! You can have this..." She said as she took a book from the other bookshelf from her right

She gave the book to me, I turned the book to read the tile. "The Miseducation by Cameron Post?" I asked

She nodded eagerly "Yup! That's real life story, between a girl who is gay, and she was sent off to a summer camp where she learns to be 'straight'"" she said while quoting with her hands

"Because her family is pure Christian. Plus, it's not that famous yet." She added the last part with a smile

I smiled widely back and nodded "Thank you" I said sincerely. She nodded

"You're welcome, that's my favorite. I know for sure if you read that, you'll like it too" she said

"I guess so, because I'm really into this kind of stories..." I said amusingly and with full honesty. Sometimes, Lisa teases me bookworm because my whole room is scattered by books

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