Chapter 1

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Ara's POV...

Never have I imagine that I could find myself in a situation like this. Trembling heart, fear rushing in my soul, and questions running around in my mind.

All I wanted was to learn a new skill and express myself in front of someone I like. I didn't expect things to turn out like this. This wasn't in my scenario.


One week ago...

"Can you teach me how to play the piano?" I say, almost seem like I'm begging.

"Are we trying to make a deal?" the boy stood in front of me with a cocky smirk.


"Fine, I'll teach you how to play the piano, if you introduce me to that hot chick from last night."

"My cousin?" I ask the guy in front of me while crossing my arms. I raise my right eyebrow at him.


I sigh. I never try to hook up anyone together before. I suppose this could be a nice start of my role as a cupid. Well, more likely I just want to learn how to play the piano, since I want to give a surprise to my crush this Saturday.

"Fine. Deal!"

He lets out a smirk. "Good deal, Ara."

End of flashback...


At St. Morgan High School...

"So you're going to Jay's house after this?" Grace ask me as we walk through the hallway of school.

"I have to, if I wanna impress Matt on his birthday," I say with a shy smile on my lips, before both of us realize that Zach is heading our way.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you two!" says Zach to both me and Grace.

"We're heading back," I tell him, before putting my hand on Grace's shoulder. Both of us smile.

"Ah, don't tell me I missed something," Zach whines a bit.

"No way! Just the fact that Ara has piano lessons with Jay," Grace tells Zach.

"What? Really?" Zach ask me.

"Yes. So I won't be able to hangout at your house too often," I answer, making Zach form a frown. Usually, me and Grace would come hangout at Zach's house together, where we will talk for hours, and even do our homeworks together. Our friendship is like a family. I'm like their family, and they're like mine.

"Aww, I'll miss you, Ara," Zach refers me with my Korean name.

"Me too," Grace adds while smiling at me

"Well, but we can still hangout at school, and other times when I'm not taking lessons," I tell Zach and Grace. Hearing this, they smile at me.

"Then how about we go hunting for the latest fashion this Saturday? I mean, Matt's birthday is just around the corner. I thought it would be nice if we could go shopping," Grace ask me.

"Sure thing! I would love to shop!" I answer with a smile.

"Hey! What about me?" Zach adds, feeling a little left out.

"You can carry our stuff," I say to him before laughting with Grace. Zach eventually laugh himself too at my joke.

After our conversation about Saturday's plan while walking, I got a call from Jay, saying that he thought it would be better if we go to his house together with his car.

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