Chapter 3

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Ara's POV...

As the party goes on, Zach, Junghwa, Peter, Grace and I are dancing on the dance floor. Peter puts on some lit songs through his big speakers, literally turning the whole house to a dance party. At this moment, I almost felt like I was in some sort of club. Not to mention, his house is actually big enough to put on a dance party, which is literally happening now.

We dance while watching some other students dance along as well. Some of them are dancing with their partners, while some others chose to just make out in the corner of the house. Peter, Junghwa, and Zach are getting some juice now from the kitchen, while Grace and I kept dancing to the music. While dancing, we happen to see a tall girl dancing with some of her friends. She is tall with brown hair, and is absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, she could be a supermodel!

"Who's that?" I ask Grace who is in the middle of dancing the night away. Not to mention, Ally Brooks' "Low Key" is playing right now, which is one of her favorite songs.

"That's Kate! She's a friend of Peter and Matt, yet she's from a different school," Grace answers me as she keeps dancing. I keep staring at Kate who is dancing and laughting with her friends. She's gorgeous! I just saw her for a few seconds, and I'm already admiring her. I eventually kept staring at her longer than I thought, I didn't realize a hand touched my shoulder.

"Hey! You're not dancing?" Zach pops up from behind me. He finally got back after getting a cup of juice.

"I was looking at her. Wow she's gorgeous," I say as I my vision gets back to staring at Kate, making Zach look at her direction.

"Are you into girls now?" Zach asks me with a cheesy smile. I look at him in the eyes with a sarcastic look.

"Maybe, Zach! But I still have a thing for boys," I answer which I later continue with a laugh. "But seriously, I think she's gorgeous! Like, I really admire her," I say to Zach. He gives me a smile before looking back at Kate.

Peter and Junghwa eventually walks up to us. Peter asked Grace to dance with him together, leaving Zach, Junghwa, and I alone. We watch as both Peter and Grace dance to a slower song.

"I noticed you're starting to get jealous seeing all these girls dancing with their boyfriends," says Junghwa as he let out his hand to me. "May I?" he ask me with his usual cheesy smile. I turn my head to see Zach smiling at the two of us. I decided to take Junghwa's hand anyway. We both end up dancing together on the dance floor, along with the other couples.

"So I thought you could give me a quick dance lesson tonight," says Junghwa as the two of us starts dancing.

"Damn, I should have guess. You wanted to plan a sweet dance with Hana," I say with a sarcastic tone, before letting out a small giggle.

"You know me too well, Kim Ara," says Junghwa, before spinning me around.

"Haha, ok. I'll teach you some dance steps tonight," I say.

We literally dance to 3 songs as I teach him some simple dance moves. After that, I told Junghwa that I want to get a drink from the kitchen, which he said yes. I left him on the dance floor and heads towards the kitchen to get myself a drink.

I open the fridge to get a can of soda, when I hear kissing sounds coming from the corner of the kitchen. Curiosity got the best of me, and so I close the fridge to check it out. I was surprise to see who I saw.

"I love you, Kate," says Matt to Kate as he continues to kiss her with passion.

"I'll be moving to your school soon. I promise," says Kate to Matt as she kisses him back with the same passion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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