#1 The Borim bridge

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Goa is the smallest state of India but let me tell you this- it's famous for its ghosts and spirits too. Borim bridge is considered to be a very very haunted bridge and many people try to avoid travelling through it at night. Do you wanna know the reason? Of course, you do! It's because more than 100 people have committed suicides over there. 😖shocked? Well, this fact is nothing compared to, what happened with my friend's cousin brother. Soooo are you in for a creepy story? If you are reading this then Of course you are😁enjoy and imagine😱
Abhi's POV
It had been a very long day And I was absolutely tired. But I had to attend a family wedding and also couldn't find any excuse for not doing so. I had recently started working for a finance company and tomorrow was my presentation. It was very important. I couldn't miss it under any circumstances.

But still, I had no other option n excuses, so decided to attend it. It was an early afternoon. I quickly got ready, locked my house and started my bike. Travelling was not so easy for me. There was BIG traffic right in front of me, waiting as if to test my patience.
"Shit" I cursed. It Looked like my luck had forgotten me.
After 30 minutes, the traffic cleared and I felt very much relieved.

"Common let's face and get this wedding over with". I thought as I got into the house. When I reached, wedding rituals were already over. People were taking pictures with the newly married couple. I took mine too. There was a little get-together kinda thing organised, after the wedding. Just for the family members. But it was already six in the evening,... So I decided to get going. But...sue my luck. Everyone in the family refused to let me go, as I was a family member. (Main reason for not letting me go was because they had no one to clean things up. They wanted me to do it) so I waited.

It was 11:30 at night when everyone left and I helped them to clean things up. I got up to leave...... But again my aunt who was the oldest (and so-called the wisest) told me not to go. I got irritated and asked her what was the damn reason. She gave me three reasons for not going home, which are as follows:

1. It was past midnight, ( you might be wondering, where I wasted half an hour.... Well... It went arguing with my aunt) and I was not old enough(according to my aunt) to travel alone after midnight.

2. Borim bridge( which I was supposed to go through) was haunted by evil spirits of the people who committed suicides over there.

3. My ride was a bike. Which was very unsafe to be used, especially on the Borim bridge.

I argued over n over, at last, she agreed. But only on one condition... I was going to borrow their car( Maruti 800😅). "Okay." I agreed.

I got in the car. I was going to start the car... At the very moment my aunt came rushing outside and told, (it felt more like a warning) :
1. Do not give any pregnant woman a lift.
2. If you happen to give, then don't look at her, when she sits in the back seat.
3. when she wants to get out of the car, don't try, to be a gentleman and open the door for her, as you are forbidden to step out of the car.

she blabbered these instructions and went inside. but.....what about me? I was left with soo many questions inside my head....how did she know that a pregnant woman was going to ask me for a lift?.....how did she know that she'll sit on the back seat and not on the front one?.....why am I not allowed to step out of the car?......questions and soooo many questions!!! but no one to answer them. So I decided it was best not to overthink, and get going, as it was already 12:40. I had to go to work at 7:30 tomorrow. I sped through the road only to stop before the Borim bridge. I prayed to my deity Krishna and requested him to save me from any evil that comes in my way.

I restarted my car and as I was going, I saw a HEAVILY PREGNANT WOMAN waiting for a lift. My legs started to wobble and I slammed the brakes. But just so you know, my luck was surely not with me (again), and my car halted right in front of the woman. I couldn't see her face, as it was covered with her ghungat. she looked quite ordinary. I was still scared. How could my aunt predict such correct things? I thought about my aunt's instructions. I told her to sit in the car. I was going to open the front seat door, but..... She went and set on the back seat.

How did my aunt know that she'll seat on the back seat? I had never thought that I'll end up in this type of situation. Ever. I started driving and as I reached the end of the bridge she told me to stop.
"I reached my destination dear. " She said. I was shell shocked. OKAY. Let's clear things out. First of all, she asked for a lift at the starting of the bridge. Now what she does is, goes n tells me to stop at the end of the bridge. If the distance was soo short then why ask for the lift? I was so confused. But still, I stopped the car and waited for her to leave. But there was no movement with such intentions. I was going to step out of the car to open the door for her but... Then I remembered that I was forbidden to step out of the car. Soooo what I did was, I put my hand at the back found the lock (without looking, as I was not supposed to look back) and opened the door without turning around. She got up and left without uttering a single word! I started the car and looked at the inside rearview mirror of the car. I couldn't see anyone so I started driving. Wait. What? I COULDN'T see anyone. How couldn't I see anyone?.....
Soooooo what I did next was totally on instinct. (Which was a really foolish thing to do) I turned around and so did the woman, who had reached the beginning of the bridge (within4-5 seconds). What I saw in front of me.... Made my blood turn cold. I felt nauseous. She had taken her ghungat off. I couldn't make out anything much coz that's when I remembered my aunt's rule number 2: I was not supposed to look at her.

I quickly turned and started to leave. That's when I heard a loud, shrill scream of the woman but this time I didn't have to turn to look at her as she was sitting right next to me.

Blood drained from my body when I saw her smiling face. Yes! She was full-teeth-flashing-ly smiling! It was all a bloody mess. Blood was flowing from a deep wound that was formed on her swollen belly. I cursed myself and my luck. After that what happened I cannot remember as I woke up the next morning in my car. People were shaking me and trying to bring me to consciousness. I took the day off from work. All work and presentations be damned. My mom told me it was all my imagination. But I cannot deny the fact that there were blood droplets which could be seen on the seat. (Only on the front). I swear if I hadn't prayed to my Lord..... I don't even want to imagine what would have happened to me. Really.

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