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Everything was a blur, Taehyung's legs were moving in their own accord

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Everything was a blur, Taehyung's legs were moving in their own accord. His mind was totally numb.

He didn't knew who grabbed him and made him sit in the car. Who was constantly holding him and murmuring sweet words in his ear.

As soon as they reached the hospital, they all sprinted out of Namjoon's Jeep.

Yoongi went to the receptionist and asked her about the details of Jungkook.

Taehyung with his wobbly legs moved fast as he could towards Jungkook's ward.

His heart hammered between his ribs as he ran on the stairs. All the voices, and sounds were drowned around him as he saw Hoseok sitting on the floor.

The said male's blazer was all disheveled and his white dress shirt was crumpled.
Taehyung legs began to shake as he moved towards Hoseok.

He knelt towards Hoseok as he touched the older's shoulder.

"H-hobie h-hyung where is k-koo?", As soon as Hoseok heard that soft voice all his last strength seeped out of him.

Hoseok lightly looked at the blonde boy infront of him. He observed how his soft cheeks were stained with tears and his always happy, shining eyes were red from crying.

Hoseok wanted to punch himself. It was all because of him.

"H-he is in the operation room Tae, his face was covered with blood, i-it's all because of me, if I hadn't talked to him while driving, he would've never lost his concentration. I-it should be me Tae not him—-", but soon Hoseok stopped ranting as a smaller body wrapped around him.

"It's not your fault hyungie", Taehyung's voice despite all that crying was steady and determine.

"It's a relief that you are not hurt", Taehyung soothingly whispered to his sunshine hyung as he held him tightly.

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Taehyung. A series of tears dripping from his cheeks as the blonde boy rubbed circles in his back.

They all waited outside the operation room, Taehyung and Hoseok still bundled around one another.

The sign at the top of the operations room when changed from red to green. The dead white doors were opened and some people dressed in white coats emerged from it.

The all sprinted towards, and Namjoon was quick to ask, "How is Jungkook?"

The doctor's faces were monotone, almost blank as if this situation was not so new to them. The person in the front gave all of them a half smile almost forced before shocking them with his words, which made Taehyung's head dizzy.


Taehyung recalled the doctor's words as he carefully held Jungkook's hand.

"The patient's condition is stable, but he still need bed rest for atleast one week, you can take him home, but make sure he rests"

It was at that time, Taehyung breathed properly. Now looking at Jungkook sleeping so peacefully made him smile softly.

He brushed some raven strands from the older's brow, as he waited for Jungkook to open his eyes.

After about one hour, Taehyung felt some movement in his hand, he looked at it to see that Jungkook's fingers were also curled around his.

Jin gasped when he saw Jungkook trying to open his eyes. His gasp made everyone alert and they all gathered around Jungkook.

The light act like the razor blades piercing his eyes.

Jungkook squinted his eyes as he felt a soft hand rubbing his calloused one. He wanted to smile at the touch but he felt stones kept on his head.

Jungkook opened his eyes to see everyone standing, his eyes then reached to Taehyung who smiled at his sadly.

"Jungkook are you alright should I call the doctor?", Jin asked his tone softening.

"I am fine. No need to", Jungkook's voice croaked and immediately a glass was bought to his lips as he gulped it.

"Okay Jungkook, tell me how many fingers are there", Hoseok held four fingers infront of Jungkook, as everyone cackled around him.


"Oh my god, I am calling the doctor—", Hoseok rambled before Yoongi gripped his collar.

"Calm down Hobi , that brat is messing up with you", Yoongi pulled a too panicked Hoseok behind.

"How are you now feeling, h-hyungie", a soft voice of Taehyung made all of the calm.

And Jungkook finally smiled, his hand lightly gripping the soft one of the younger.

"I am really fine, darling"

Taehyung eyes glistened as he leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to the older's forehead. Everyone left the room to give them privacy.

Jungkook held Taehyung's head as he connected their forehead and they both closed their eyes, basking in each other's presence.

The last chapter was my dramatic comeback, which I miserably failed 🤣

[EDIT: I am so sorry for referring Hobi as 'horse'...thank you everyone for pointing my mistake 😊]

[I love Jung Hoseok so much]

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