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Taehyung was on cloud nine, as packed his things

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Taehyung was on cloud nine, as packed his things. His parents and aunt were so confused of this sudden behavior but Taehyung had told them that, due to receiving tons of assignments he has to go back, which was partially correct.

Taehyung had bought the tickets but he didn't told his arrival time to Jungkook so as to surprise him.

After a whole five minutes lecture from his parents he finally departed from Daegu.

After a two hours flight, Taehyung landed in Seoul. He skipped towards the cab with his luggage.

Taehyung was in a euphoric state. His adorable face had a huge smile, as he thought about all the possible expressions of Jungkook when the older will see him in his office. The mere thought made him giddy.

The cab finally halted in front of Jeon's corporation as Taehyung paid and went inside.

But soon his heart dropped and all his previous mood was nowhere in sight. When he saw Jungkook with a person dressed in crisp suit and a girl who Taehyung guessed was the secretary of that person.

On Jungkook's left was Jacob who Taehyung recognized was one of the employees in the company.

Jungkook just came from the meeting.

His breath hitched when Jungkook stopped and looked at him. The older looked at him as if he was staring at his soul, Taehyung shuddered due to the intensity of that stare.

Jungkook muttered something to Jacob who nodded his head as he guided the man and his secretary towards the exit.

Taehyung was rooted at his spot even when the raven hair male came near him. His piercing state never leaving Taehyung.

The raven hair male took his luggage as he grabbed Taehyung's hand and went towards the elevator.

Taehyung's stomach was doing somersaults as he realized he wasn't even greeted by the older.

Did I came here at the wrong timing?

Hyung didn't even said anything to me...

He seems mad...

The ding of the elevator made him yelp as he quickly took his suitcase again.

Occupied in his thoughts Taehyung took the suitcase in his hands as he followed Jungkook to his office.

Jungkook was not talking and Taehyung felt dread rising in his chest. As he rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants.

Upon reaching the office door. Jungkook took the suitcase from Taehyung again still not saying anything.

At this point Taehyung was freaked out. He carefully stepped inside the office at the same time Jungkook kept his suitcase at the side.

And after that it was too fast for Taehyung to decipher anything as his back hit the wall, and the door closed beside him.

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