Chapter five

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Recap: SuKor little romance, Imli evilness and KN confusion. Teju and Bijli's happiness.

Imli was walking behind them. I could pretend to fall and push her, yes then she will fall with me and the child would be gone. That is a good idea.

Suraj placed his hand on Chakor's back, "you know I'm with you no matter what happens." He rubs her back and holds her protectively.

Imli was thinking how to get Suraj away from her, "Array Suraj don't you think Chakor should wear other shoes? I mean she can slip."

Suraj looked at her, "Imli when did you come? How is Vivaan feeling?" He asked ignoring her question.

"Suraj I just come from my room after giving Vivaan his medicine. I hope he will recover soon." Imli said having a fake sad expression on her face. Damn it, he isn't leaving her side, how will I manage it to get rid off the unborn. I was the one, who should had it. A child, but I'm lonely.

Chakor went to KN, "KN how are you?" She asked with a smirk on her face, "you know I always wanted to know something about you."

KN frowns looking at her, "Chipkali..."

Suraj glares at him, "what? Chipkali? No, she is Mrs. Suraj Rajvanshi your daughter-in-law. You should call her as beti {child}."

KN shook his head, "no, she is chipkali and will remain as chipkali." He said and then his gaze fall on the visible baby bump.

"This is choti chipkali or chota chuhua." KN said looking to them.

Suraj hits with his palm on his forehead. Saala bhudha sudrega nahi {that oldie will never change}.

"Maa I'm starving, when will you serve the food?" Suraj asked Teju, who comes immediately to Chakor.

"Chakor I have made special food for you. Come and sit here." Teju made her sit on the head of the table.

Suraj and KN widen their eyes. What the... oh it will be a boy. Both were smiling like idiots.

Imli was again fuming. That should be my seat.

Chakor was smiling, "Maa I'm fine I will sit there and KN can sit on his regular place. I don't..." she stood up, "want to take anyone's place."

Suraj comes from the back like KN, "sit!" They demanded it and literally made her sit by pulling her down.

Chakor was glaring at them, "I can sit on my own, I don't need your help." She scold them.

KN smirks, "Chipkali, you might not need the help, but according to Suraj I have to keep you safe. Better you let me help you." He was having a victorious smile on his face.

Suraj agrees to him. Wah, he thinking of it. Not bad. Wait is he having feelings for the unborn, but why all of a sudden would he start to like the kid. This man is having his own benefits from this. I'm sure he is planning to gain the trust of Chakor to get access to my baby. No, I won't let this happen. The child has to die.
Imli was having a grudge against the child.

Suraj was looking at the filled plates, but Chakor wasn't sharing anything, they all looked how she was finishing the food without drinking water or breathing air.

"Chipkali your husband told me to look after you, but I wonder what he will do to you, if you make an accident on yourself?" KN said, he wasn't sure how to stop her, as she wasn't even chewing the food correctly only gulping it down her throat.

Chakor was confused, she narrows her brows and looked to Suraj, *munching* "you will do what?" She shouts at him, holding a knife in her hand and placing it under his chin.

"Haan!" She was having butter knife, but it's still a knife.

Suraj lifts his hands, he surrendered himself, "Chakor, he is just saying you should chew and not gulp. What if the food got stuck, do you want KN to give you first aid. Like mouth-to-mouth breath?"

KN spit out the water and shook his head, "No, you can't make me do this?"

Chakor shrugs, "yuck, no way. Suraj you are a bad man." She puts the knife down and was sitting there with a pout and crossed arms around her chest, "I won't. We won't talk to any of you." She was just looking at the filled plates, her mouth become watering.

"Here." KN put the plate in front of her, "but chew the food, before gulping it down!" He warns her, "Array KN always."

Suraj just shook his head. I have to be very careful these weird mood-swings are dangerous anything can happen.

Imli was witnessing the pampering on Chakor. Soon this will end. She pressed on the fork in her hand.

KN was looking around. I want this minister seat I know my son and I know this Chipkali they are planning something. But is it against me or against someone else. Are they aware of Imli and her doings? It's very tough to judge the situation. But I want the child too. My Grandchild.

"Theek hai {It's done} I will look after Chakor and the unborn. She will be with me 24/7 and Suraj will stand for the minister seat." KN announced it.

Suraj was frowning looking at him, "oh wow. Now it's official I will be a minister."

Chakor nodded, "and I have a babysitter. You know I can imagine KN as a great grandfather. Just imagine the perfect family of 2 generation. This is going to be a winner."

KN and Suraj thought about it, they both leaned back on their chairs and were looking at each other.

"We will do it like she said it. A family." Both said in union and agreed to it.

Imli stood up with a loud noise, they all looked at her, "what happen?" Teju asked her.

KN was glaring at Imli. Oh I have to keep her away from my grandchild, Imli is playing her own game, she got the taste of 'success' but this won't stay for long. No way.

"Suraj did you and Chakor ever met a doctor and let some checkups done?" KN asked them and even Teju swallows hearing his care and suggestion.

"Suraj, why he has to think about the health and care of our child. You promised us to be the best father." Chakor stood up, the chair falls backwards and she stamps upstairs into their room.

Suraj glares at KN, "really so much of concern all of a sudden? Have some shame, you could have told it me in private. You ruined my reputation in front of my child."

"And my mine better." KN smirks.

They all looked at them in disbelief.

They were fighting for the attentions and love of the unborn baby.

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