As per poll this story won, sorry I wrote ek nayi Udaan, but meant to say ek aisi Udaan 🤣🙈 the other one has ended long time ago.
Recap: SuKor are back, BhuKa and Teju are happy while Imli is having her evil eyes on them. KN is confused.
Suraj looked at his father, "we need to talk." He stood up and moves away from Chakor.
KN, who haut blessed Chakor, gulps his fear down. There was something in Suraj voice and eyes, which caused him tension. I have to be very careful. If I do something wrong he will kill me. I can't risk anything I want the ministry place. KN went closer to Suraj.
"Suraj why you called me here?" KN said in whisper tone, Suraj smirks, "why are you whispering is there something you are hiding from me?" Suraj said in anger giving KN death glares.
KN shook his head, "Suraj I haven't done anything." He said to him, placing his hand on his son's shoulder.
Suraj shook his head, he jerked the hand away, "I don't care, all I know is, that she is back with me and she isn't alone." Suraj made a move forward, "you want to become a minister, but no one will vote for a criminal like you. I know you want me to take the seat. I will, but under my conditions."
KN got shocked about his knowledge, "which conditions?"He asked stammering.
Suraj placed his hands on KN's shoulders, "My wife and child are your responsibility, whatever happens, happens under your order. Prove me wrong!" He starts to strangle KN in anger, "you tried to kill her, you wanted to take her away from me. Me! You know she changed me into a human, while I grow up as a monster under your order. If she will get a scar I will kill you."
Chakor stood up, "Suraj!" She shook her head and he released KN from his tight grip.
Suraj hold him close in anger, with his finger he gave him a warning threat, "you are her father-in-law if I will get to know you have done anything to do with her disappearance then I will make sure you will feel the pain." Suraj pushes him and went back to Chakor and Paakhi.
Paakhi hold his hand, "Suraj bhaiya you should trust no one, when it comes to Chakoriya Di's security."
Suraj nods, "right. That is why KN will take care of her security and needs or else he will see the bad of me."
KN gulps, he was sweating badly, "haan Chakor is under my protection." He said in fear.
Imli saw that and was fuming. What the hell! I have risked so much to gain the trust of KN and the power to rule over Azaadghanj. Now Chakor is pregnant, she ruined my life and has started a new one with Suraj. Fine I will make her pay.
"Chakor you don't worry I'm here and will look after you." Imli said and Paakhi pressed the hand of Suraj, she was breathing harshly.
Chakor hold her tight, "Suraj give her water." Suraj nods, he goes inside the house and comes back with a glass of water.
"Paakhi drink!" Chakor gave it her and she was drinking it with care.
Chakor stood up, "Imli there is no need. You have Vivaan to look after. KN, Teju Maa, maai baapu and Suraj they are enough to look after me."
Imli made a fist, "Chakoriya...?!"
Suraj stood up, "Imli, don't stress her. If she says it's enough then it is. Maa!" Suraj shouts for Teju.
Teju and Kasturi come with Bhuvaan, "Suraj, look Kasturi gave us this."
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"Suraj, these belonged to Chakor. We used to make her wear them." Kasturi said.
"Now you are becoming parents, we would like to give you these for the unborn." Bhuvaan said and Suraj went to his mother, he took the clothes, "if it's a boy it will wear my clothes and if the baby turns out to be a girl. It will wear clothes." He said holding the clothes tight in his hands.
SuKor went to the mansion with the others, "Suraj we should meet Vivaan once." Chakor hold his hand, "Haan Chakor it's been so long I haven't met him and he hasn't seen you."
Both entered the room of Vivaan, he was lying on the bend unconsciously, "Poor Vivaan how could this happen?"
Suraj shook his head, "you know Imli lost her child, after the accident happened."
Chakor felt bad, she looked at Imli, who was standing at the back.
"Imlu," she stood up and hugs her, "you don't worry, now I'm back we will do everything to help you and getting him back."
Chakor and Suraj went to their room.
"Suraj you will enter the election?" Chakor asked and he smirks, "no, I will pretend to take part in the election on your behalf. It will be you in the end who will be the new minister. You know I don't like to work and use my useful brain on those things. I want to play with my child." He bend down and kisses the belly.
Chakor rolls her eyes, "your useful brain is working nowadays very fast."
Suraj looks up, "you saw Paakhi, how she react, when Imli talked?"
Chakor nodded, "it's just confirming our thought she is also against us."
Suraj nodded, "haan. We have to be very careful from now on, you won't go to her alone or talk to her. I guess there is more."
Chakor was thinking, "you saw, how she rushed behind us, when I said to meet Vivaan."
Suraj hold her hand, "Vivaan was trying to say something to me, but he couldn't, before the doctor come he was back in his state."
Chakor cups his face, "we will find a way." Suraj smiles, he took her hands in his and kissed them, "together we will."