Recap: KN is pampering Chakor. Suraj tricked Imli to keep an eye on her.
Suraj was looking around, "I think we should go home. I'm sure they are waiting for us. Come Imli."
Imli smirks, "yes, please come let's go home."
Suraj was looking at her. Why does she thinks that she is going to rule. No one would live under her rulership as she isn't a leader just a small pawn.
Chakor was having much fun, "KN you are smart, I want my child to be smart too, but I'm scared."
KN frowns, "of what?" He wanted to know, "do you want to say that I'm a bad influence?"
Chakor laughs, "no KN, my fear is that my child will be as dumb as my husband you son is."
KN was numb, so were Teju and Bijli.
"Chakor what are you saying?" Teju sat next to her, "Suraj isn't dumb, he married you."
Chakor nodded, "Haan Maa, you are right. He did one good thing." She smiles and keeps eating the gol gappe.
Suraj and Imli reached the village, "Suraj Babu!" The villagers were calling him.
Imli got irritated. Why they are calling him? I'm also here and can help them. They know I'm one of them and can understand them the best.
Suraj went near them, "what happen Kaka, why are you calling for me?" Then he saw it.
"Ranjhana?" He was shocked seeing her in a devastated look.
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Imli heard it and got shocked, "Ranjhana Maa?!" She hold her hand and looked at her.
Ranjhana hits the hand away, "who are you? Do you know Me? Who am I?" She was asking many questions.
Suraj got suspicious, "Ranjhana where were you all the time. Come we will go back to the mansion." Suraj hold her hand with care, she felt better and nods, "who is Ranjhana?" She asked him.
Suraj felt bad, "we have to call a doctor, wait we will go and meet Kasturi Maa, maybe she has an idea." Suraj took her to Kasturi and Bhuvaan.
"Suraj, what happen to Ranjhana ji?" Bhuvaan asked him and Suraj shook his head, "I'm not sure, but it looks like she has lost her memory."
Ranjhana was looking around totally confused and unknown of everything.
Imli was somewhere happy. She sighs of relieve knowing that Ranjhana isn't remembering anything. Great I hope she remains like this forever. I can't take the risk that she will regain her memory, this will only cost me problems.
"Kasturi Maa you check on her please. I wonder how this could happen to her." Suraj was very concern about her. First Vivaan and now Ranjhana. What is wrong here?.
Kasturi checks on Ranjhana, she was also checking on her head. "Suraj Babu, she has a head injury."
Suraj comes near them, "okay we will call a doctor or even go to the hospital."
Imli was looking at them, "Suraj come on let's go home. Maybe she will remember something when she is back in the mansion?"
Suraj nods, "yes, maybe you are right." Suraj took her hand, "Ranjhana come we will go home." He was talking to her in a calm way giving her a better feeling.
Ranjhana agrees, they went home and Suraj looked at them in anger.
"Haan but Chakor is right, Suraj isn't smart like me." KN said lifting his collar.
Chakor nodded, "right. KN you should act smart in front of me. We have to stay together to effect the baby with our smartness."
Teju frowns. This pregnancy is bringing an unique friendship of two enemies. I wonder how Suraj will react seeing their new bond.
Suraj stamps in, "what the hell! I'm smart and cunning like you both. After all I found you and saved you from that stupid man RV!"
Suraj bend down, he placed his hand on Chakor's belly, "I'm your smart Papa and not stupid or selfish like your mother and grandfather."
Imli was looking at Ranjhana. How can I throw her out of the mansion. I have to show her as a crazy woman. Maybe I can use her to kill the child and make her sent to the mental asylum. She has to pay for the rest of her life.
Teju saw Ranjhana, "Ranjhana you are back?"
Suraj stood up and stopped his mother, "Maa please stop. It's just...."
KN stood up, "where were you all the time?"
Suraj saw to his father. Means he hasn't done anything to her, but then?
Teju shook his head, "KN she went to meet her father to gain more information about Vivaan's health. She was going to meet a specialist."
Suraj lowers his gaze, "Maa, something happens to her. She lost her memory."
All were shocked, "what?"
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