The hunt

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I was thrown into the wall of that dusty old church before I could even pull my favorite dagger I had stowed away in my boot out. I could literally hear my ribs crack in protest "Well, shit I sure as hell didn't know what I was getting myself into this morning, huh?" I said. He threw me across the room again and I landed right onto some giant cross crucifying style(oh the irony) in the front of the room with at least 6 nails digging into various parts of my back and legs causing blood to come trickling down my body. "I'm the king of hell sweetheart, what did you think you were getting yourself into?" He asked. "Well, I didn't know I was meeting the king of hell for Sunday mass today.." I said sarcastically. I didn't know I was hunting the king of hell, I honestly thought I was just hunting some rogue crossroads demon on a killing spree and boy was I way off. He let me drop without warning causing me to hit my cheek bone on the pew, well that's gonna need stitches, shit. "Now now, don't fret that pretty little face of yours dear, I'm not gonna kill you." He said smugly. "Oh? And why's that?, I don't have much to offer you and it's not like you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart." I replied skeptical. "Well, darling you're wrong on one thing, I do need you for something and trust me on this. You've got plenty to offer me, so let's get down to business shall we?" He asked.

Before I was able to reply two men burst threw the door. One was freakishly tall but not lanky or gawky in anyway shape or form with long shaggy brown hair and big brown eyes. And the other one was also very tall with short, blonde brown hair and the most beautiful green apple eyes. They both were muscular and dressed like your typical hunters. Don't these poor boys know what they're getting into? Before I was able to scream for them to run and get out of here I heard a low growl and something breathing down my neck. Hell hound. "I thought you weren't gonna kill me fuck face!" I screamed the fear trickling into my voice. "I'm not, it doesn't mean I can't cause some damage for a lesson well learned." He smiled evilly. Before I could reply I felt a sharp white hot pain as the dog bit into my arm leaving a large chunk where part of my forearm used to be , I was loosing blood fast I had to get out of here before it was too late. The dog was called off as the king of hell, smiled at me. "Well love, sorry we have to cut our chat short. Seems you have some friends in very high places, right boys? Anyways, My name is Crowley and I'm the king of hell. Don't cross me or get in my way as you can see it will end very bad for you, I can't wait to do business with you. Catch you later." He said. "Go to hell!" I screamed as I spit blood on his face. "I have been and it's very nice this time of year." He said while wiping my blood off with a handkerchief . And with that he vanished bringing the hell hounds with him.

I heard two muffled thuds and a lot of groaning. Shit! I almost forgot about my two knights in shining armor. Or should I say two idiots in tin foil? Seriously for hunters they did jack squat. "Thank you boys for all of your help, but I'm out of here." I said sarcastically pulling off my flannel leaving me in only a white blood stained tank top and using my dagger to cut off a piece of the shirt to use as a tourniquet. "Woah there princess you're not going anywhere until you tell us who you are and what the king of hell wants with you." The one with the green eyes said. "And I'm supposed to just tell you who I am? You could be serial killers for all I know, I'm not an idiot and I sure as hell ain't no princess so you can back off and leave me the hell alone." I stated. Who does this guy think he is? I started to walk off when the tall one grabbed my arm. I had to bite back the scream as searing pain started pouring from my ribs. "I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean. We're the Winchesters and we really need to know what Crowley wants from you before we can let you leave. You can understand that as a hunter can't you?" Sam said while giving me puppy dog eyes. "My name is Willow Evergreen and I'm a hunter. I thought I was chasing a rogue cross roads demon not the king of hell. I mean really who's that stupid? I have absolutely no freaking clue what he wants from me, honestly. And I'm as curious as you are to find out. I've never dealt with something this big before and I'm scared as hell. No pun intended, Are we done here? I feel like I just applied for some fucked up dating website." I said. Look I wasn't cutting corners, I'm bleeding a lot and I need to get back to my motel room get off these crusty, bloody clothes, shower and patch myself up. "We aren't done here willow, whatever Crowley wants from you it isn't good and we can't risk him getting you. I'm gonna have to ask you to come back to our motel room we'll patch you up and we'll go from there okay?" Sam said. "Do you think I'm crazy?! I'm not going to get into some strangers car and go back to their motel room? Do I look like some dumb bi-" and with that everything went black.

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