Stinky motel rooms

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I woke up with a head ache that could put my worst hang over to shame. I soon came into realization of what I was last doing before I passed out. I'm pretty sure a church floor should not be comfortable. I sat up as fast as I possibly could to take in my surroundings ignoring the horrible pain coming from what seemed like every part of my body. Are kidding me? I was in some shitty motel room that I didn't recognize, oh freaking joy. I looked down at myself to see the damages. I had a large gash that has been stitched up and covered in gauze on my forearm, at least 3 ribs are broken, and I can feel I have a giant bruise and cut on my cheekbone. Besides those three injuries the other cuts and bruises are minor. Not too bad considering I was fighting the king of hell if I do say so myself. I noticed I was in an black oversized t-shirt, gray men's boxers with a pair of black men's socks on, these are obviously not mine. I am going to kill those Winchester boys I swear to god, because if you do the math considering I am clean, patched up and in new clothes that don't belong to me one of those perverts saw me naked. Unless it was both... I shook away the feeling of violation and started to come up with a way out of here. I decided my best bet was to find my original clothes quick and get out of here before Chester the molesters got back here. My hope of escape was short lived once I heard the key in the lock.

"Honey I'm home!" Yelled dean. "Okay before I jump off the bed and commit a murderous act which one of you pervs saw me naked to bathe me, patch me up and put new clothes on me?" I asked furiously. "We called a family friend Jody mills to do those acts. She's a sheriff and most definitely female. You don't have to worry about anything. As much as I wanted to see you naked, I would never take advantage of a girl. I'll get you naked on your own free will." He winked. I turned bright red and looked down, sure I get attention from men all the time when I'm dressed up but not when I look like this. I have cuts and stitches, no makeup and I'm in men's clothes from head to toe. It's not like I'm anything special to begin with really, I have blonde curly hair that hits the small of my back, big piercing gray/blue eyes and honestly those are my only good attributes. Im 5'4 so not tall or short, I have average boobs, an average butt, an average body shape honestly. Nothing really to look at, I'm not by any means fat, I'm just not skinny. What can I say, I love me a bacon cheese burger. I'm all around average, why is he paying attention to me? Anyways I shook off my weird thoughts and feelings coming to surface and got down to business. You're a 23 year old hunter willow, not a giggly 14 year old girl get a hold of yourself. "How long have I been here and when can I leave?" I asked hoping he didn't see my quick lapse of sanity. "Look willow, you've only been here for two days first off and second we still don't know why Crowley wants you. Even if you have no idea why he wants you we can't let you go off on your own, it isn't safe." He replied. "Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm not sitting in a motel with you two pretending to be a victim. I've been protecting myself since I was 10, I've been to hell and back literally and I'm doing just fine. I don't need to be protected I'm not one of your damsels in distress I'm a hunter and a damn good one at that." I said.

"You've been to hell?! How did you escape?!" Dean looked at me in horror. "Now let's get something strait, I didn't go to hell and make a deal with a demon for some stupid ass reason like money or power so don't even think of me like that. A werewolf killed my baby sister Emma, she was only 6 god dammit. I brought her back and don't even pretend you two wouldn't do that for each other! She deserved a long life not full of monsters and now I have it to her. Now, I honestly have no idea how I got out, one moment I was being shoved in my holding cage the next minute I woke up having to dig myself out of a grave that everywhere around me looked like a nuke went off with a terrible sound in my ears. I saw this on my side" I lifted my shirt to show my terrible scar that looked like someone's hand "and here I am. I've looked at every book and website I could possible think of but I found no answers. Wait! Do you think that's why Crowley wants me?!" I looked at the boys in fear.

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