Hunting with the boys

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"Okay, so what you're trying to tell me is god like THE GOD is gone? For good?" I asked bewildered. "Yes, it has been very devastating to heaven. we need you to stay with Sam and Dean so we can insure your safety and whereabouts." replied Castiel. "But I don't understand, why am I a deciding factor? Why did you save me from Hell?!" I asked suddenly feeling drained regardless of my two days of endless sleep. "As I stated when I first arrived I'm not quite sure. All I know is you and Dean were born for this. Your entire existence have lead up to you saving the world from the ownership of Crowley." Replied Castiel. "Look man, how long are you expecting us to be babysitting this pretty little thing?" Asked Dean. To my confusion I was more hurt by the fact that he doesn't want me here rather than the irritation that he thinks I need to be protected. I mean yeah he's totally sexy with his muscles pressing on his tight t-shirt and his eyes that seem to never get enough of looking at the bottom my bum that peeks from under his boxers. Willow 1 Dean 0. "Look douche nugget I don't need to be protected, especially by you." I replied harshly trying to hide the hurt and rejection in my voice.

"The world is depending on you 2 to get over your differences and work together." replied Castiel. "Look I found a case not to far from here, let's just get to work." stated Sam. "Fine, but I get shot gun." I winked. Sam must've got the hint that I want to piss off a Dean. "Sure, but I get shotgun too. My lap has plenty of room." said Sam. I had to stifle a laugh at the look of pure rage that Dean gave Sam. "No one will be sitting on anyone's lap in my car." said Dean. "Oh so you don't want me on your lap either? What a shame." I said playfully. "WAIT NO-" I shut the door of the room to get to the car before I could listen to the rest of Dean's whine. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him torturing himself thinking about me on his lap. Mmmmm... Me on his lap.. I had to squeeze my thighs shut to stop the ache that was coming from my sex. Oh I'm in trouble.

It turns out we're following a coven of vampires that prey on waitresses at a bar. Well, despite Dean's protest I was the perfect bait. It wasn't hard to get the job in all honesty, the owner was a little to eager to get me to start. Not that I suspect him a vampire, he was just a fat horny old man is all. My shift started at 6 tonight and ended at 3. It was only 2 so I still had a few hours to kill. I decided on making lunch for me and the boys since they'll be home from questioning the sheriff at the station on the victims soon. I assumed I should stay safe and make homemade bacon cheeseburgers because I love them and what boy doesn't? I also made a side salad, french fries and homemade apple pie. I was wearing an apron I bought at the store when I was buying the ingredients for lunch and I probably had flour all over me. I'm so taking a nice bath before I have to get ready for my shift tonight.

I was just pulling the pie out of the oven when the boys strolled in. I don't think Dean could've hidden his excitement. "IS THAT HOMEMADE PIE?!" he screamed. "Yes, I also made burgers, fries and a salad if you wanna shut up and sit down." I said. Man if I didn't know a way to a boys heart. "You know I could just kiss you right now.." He said looking at the food and than at me with lust filled eyes. "Right well let's eat." Sam said thankfully interrupting. Man I can really cook because these burgers were awesome! The pie was probably the best I've ever made and the grunts and moans coming from the boys confirmed my self praise. "Well I cooked you clean, I'm gonna take a bath and get ready for my shift." I stated. Dean stood making it seem like he was gonna start cleaning but as he brushed up against my backside sending waves of hot all over my flesh he whispered "just say the word and I'll be in there savoring every inch of you." I had to choke back the moan that threatened to escape my lips. I quickly composed myself turned and said "In your dreams silly boy, I mean I can't blame you after that meal." I quickly ran to the bathroom shut the door and slid down to the floor.

What was happening to me?! I'm never like this, how is that with just his words he can make every nerve ending in my body come alive? I can't do this, especially not after him. Not after what he did to me, how could I trust someone again. I wish I did have a little sister and that story was true. Soon the memories start rushing back. His smile when he told me he sold my soul for his rise to fame. "Brilliant huh? don't be like that will, this is for the best. I'm following our dream!" he flashed that big wide grin that used to make me melt "How could you sell MY soul?! What does that mean? What's gonna happen to me?! I thought you loved me?!" I was so broken, I just kept trying to blink away this nightmare. This had to be a dream, it couldn't be like this. He loved me, we were America's number one dream couple we were about to have the dream wedding. "No sweetie, I played you this whole time. I'm very grateful for your sacrifice for our rise to fame though. Look, you only have about 2 hours left so I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I don't love you and I never have, you were just good by my side. very obedient and blind by love. Exactly what I needed, now I'm gonna follow our dream and continue to rise without you." I almost vomited at the thought of him living without me, he loved me this is all a lie. It couldn't be true... I blinked away the memories trying to control my uncontrollable shaking. I slowly sunk into the bath prepared to soak away the memories of him.. of chuck... of everything. To soon I had to get ready for my shift. I put on snug jeans that cupped my rear in the right way, the required tight black t-shirt that showed my stomach a little and sneakers. I put on some mascara and pulled my long blonde curls into a high ponytail. I hope I look decent enough to attract a vampire.

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