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Louis POV:

I get under Harry's blankets and it's so comfortable. I fall asleep instantly.


I'm walking the halls at school holding hands with Harry. I'm happy, so happy. The boys are behind us, we're all happily walking to class when Ismael and a few friends show up in front of us. "What's up fuck tards?"

"Leave us alone Ismael." I look over at Liam and he starts moving in front of Harry. Harry unhooks his hand from mine and grabs Liam's. Liam smiles at Harry and suddenly i'm being pushed up against the locker. I look at the figure and it's my dad. "Get off of me you asshole!" I yell. He laughs and starts choking me. I look over at the boys and they're laughing at me. All of them. Liam smirks and pulls Harry into a kiss."Oh Liam" Harry moans. I shake my head and manage to push my father off of me. I run but don't seem to be going anywhere. I turn back around and there's nothing but black surrounding me. Then a light appears and i see my mom. "Mom?"

"Come here baby boy."

"I've missed you so much momma." I say as i run into her arms.

"I miss you too Boo Bear."

"Mom~ You know i hate that name." I say laughing while holding back tears. "It's okay to be sad my love, cry it out." I do as told and let it all out. I cry and cry but nothing seems to be helping that itching feeling that's in the back of my head.

'Hurt yourself, you know you need it.'

I shake my head, "no" i say. I look up and my mom's gone. Once again, she's gone. It's just darkness. "No, please, come back mom. Please, i need you." i cry in between sobs.

"Louis wake up, please." I look around but can't find anyone. And then i hear it again, "please wake up, it's okay, just wake up."


I open my eyes and see Harry leaning over me. "Are you okay?" I start nodding but then i can't take it anymore. I stand up and wipe my face. "I'm fine, i'm gonna go lay in our room. Sorry for hogging the bed."

"Lou you can stay in here if you want. I don't mind sharing."

"No it's fine. I need to talk to Niall anyways."

"O-oh um.. Okay then." He turn the lamp off as i walk out of the room. I go lay next to Niall and shake him lightly. "Niall wake up please, i need to talk to you." He groans and opens his eyes. "Lou? You okay?" I smile and then i look down and shake my head. He sits up slowly and pulls me into a hug. I start to cry and push him away. "No chick flick moment. I'm fine." I offer a smile and he smacks me upside the head. "Louis Tomlinson, quit your damn lying." I groan and rub the back of my head. "Fine, can we go downstairs please? I don't want to wake the boys up." He nods and we head downstairs. I grab a blanket that's left on the couch and curl in a ball with it around me. "What's going on Lou?"

"I...i had a nightmare."

"Seems like everyone's having nightmares lately." He sighs.

"Really? Who else?"

"Liam and Harry obviously, that's clear to see and well Zayn always smokes before he sleeps so he doesn't dream so yea."

"Doesn't that bother you though?" I ask trying to change the subject, even though i woke him up so i can talk to him. "Don't change the subject Lou Bear. Now what happened?"

"I-i was walking down the hall in school, holding hands with Harry.. And then m-my dad appeared...he uh- he started choking me and all of you we're laughing and Harry and Liam kissed and, and i just- i can't do it anymore Niall. I can't. I miss her too much." He pulls me into a hug and i just cry and cry. "I c-can't *hiccup* any *hiccup* more Ni"

"I understand that Lou but you can't just leave us. Remember what happened last time?" I nod. "Okay, now you need to talk to someone about everything. I know we've tried counseling but that shit is fucking dumb and didn't help at all. So just talk to me when you feel this way, yea?" I nod again. I pull back after i calm down and kiss his cheek. "Thank you Niall, your awesome." He smiles his bright smile and hugs me tighter. "Always my Lou Bear."

"Okay, now let's head back to bed, i'm tired." I nod and we walk back to our room.

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