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Louis POV:

He kissed me. He kissed me. I mean, it was only my cheek but he kissed me! I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Liam shoves a broom in my hands. "C'mon Lou, we gotta clean up."

"Oh uh guys?" We all turn to Harry. "I'm really sorry. I just didn't want him to hurt you and i just-I'm sorry."

"Haz it's fine. We get it. You we're trying to protect us." I say. "Haz?" I smile and nod. He blushes and pulls me into a hug once again. We clean up and finish around five. Zayn and Harry came down from their high and fall asleep watching some movie. Niall ordered pizza and then woke the boys up. Harry went to change and Zayn went home to get another 'g' as he calls it and to get some more clothes and things we need to stay another night. Liam called him mom and asked if he could stay and then we all settled in the kitchen while we wait for Harry to come downstairs and Zayn to come back with everything we need. When Harry comes back downstairs he's in some black sweats with some symbol on them and a purple and blue tie dyed shirt with the same symbol on them. "So, are you guys sure your okay with sleeping on the floor? I can give you some money and you can go get like a blow up mattress?"

"Haz, we're fine-"

"Actually, that would be great. My back is actually hurting a lot from last night." Liam interrupts me. Rude. He rubs the back of his neck. "Okay, i'll be right back then." And with that he goes back upstairs. "Okay Liam, what the hell is going on with you lately?"

"Nothing mate, i'm fine."

"Well clearly you aren't. Why are you being an asshole? You've been giving me attitude all day."

"He likes you, okay? I was going to ask him out but apparently he likes you. I mean, it's whatever though. It's fine. It's not like i like him that much. I'd rather lose a potential boyfriend then a best mate."

"Guys, can we talk about this later? I'm sure if he liked either of you, he would tell someone." Niall says sternly. Nobody says anything. "Okay, here, i don't know how much mattresses cost so here's like twenty five for at least two, someone can either sleep on the floor or sleep with me. I'm cool either way." He says handing Liam the money. "Thanks H."

"No problem. It's the least i can do since your staying here with me."

"Little help guys!" We hear from the front door. Harry and I rush over to the door and help Zayn bring in all of the blankets and bags he brought. He also bought some food. And one bag he won't let anyone get near. Niall tried reaching for it and he slapped him hand. "I'm sorry love but that's not for you." Niall pouts and Zayn follows him to the living room to apologize. Once everything is unpacked (besides the bag he won't let anyone get near) we all eat the pizza and then settle in the living room for a movie. "Okay, babe would you like to see what's in the bag?" Niall jumps up and grabs the bag. He starts pulling out onesies. We all look at Zayn with an 'i can't believe you' look and he just smiles. "The unicorn one is for Harry because unicorns are unique." He says taking all of them out. He hands the unicorn one to Harry who takes it happily. He hugs Zayn and runs outstairs to change. "Aaaaaand these are for you guys." He pulls out a black cat one and throws it to me. I grimace at it. He throws Liam a superman one and him and Niall have 'His and His' matching ones. Niall squeals and drags Zayn upstairs to change. I go the bathroom to change and Liam changes in Harry's room once he comes back in. Niall squeals over how cute everyone looks and we start making snacks and getting settled in the living room. Liam decides earlier that we're fine on the floor for tonight and gives Harry back his money. Me and Liam avoid each other for the rest of the night. Niall and Zayn cuddle on the floor in front of Harry, Liam, Harry and I sit on the couch. Harry in between us. We start binge watching all kinds of movies and around eleven Zayn pauses the movie and goes to grab something from his bag. "Okay, all of us are going to smoke. I feel like after an eventful day we kinda need it." Nobody rejects the idea and Zayn pulls out a pipe, bong and some papers.

*A/N: Hey my lovlies, how's it goin? Hope you enjoyed and have a good nigh/day!!*

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