My dad leaned back in his seat and put his hands on his head. Everyone got silent. We all just looked out into the darkness that surrounded us. We couldn't see through the darkness, but I sensed something was out there, something unthinkable, something terrifying. Nothing, absolutely nothing around us that we could see.
"I'm going to go out there." My dad said suddenly. We all turned our heads to look at him. I heard my mother gasped and my brother readjusting in his seat."I'm coming with you." James said confidently. My mom looked at him furiously and then back at dad.
"No, you guys aren't going out there!" My mom protested. She seemed really disturbed by the thought. I wanted to say something to my mom, but I knew it would only get me in trouble too.
"If we stay here, we starve to death." My dad said looking at my mom. Everyone went silent again. My dad opened his door and James done the same. They both hopped out and ran behind the SUV. We all tried looking to see where they went, but we couldn't see them because of all the darkness.
"Will they come back?" Ally said. Her sudden words made us jump, I guess we got too used to the silence. My sister looked at my mom with what little light was in the SUV, mainly from the light they turned on.
"Yeah." My mom said. I knew she was uncertain herself, but was trying to calm Ally down. Ally seemed satisfied with this answer and relaxed. I felt uneasy at the thought of something happening to James and dad. At that moment, we heard something tap the back of the SUV. We all jumped and looked back to see who or what caused the sound.
"Daddy? James?" Ally squealed. My mom was looking around really worried. I went to open the door, but my moms hand met mine.
"No. It's not them." She said breathing heavily. I didn't know what she could have meant by that, so I just kind of stared at her.
"Mom?" I looked at her as her eyes widen, then I heard it. The low growl of a beast. It sounded much bigger than anything I could have possible imagine. Ally stopped moving as mom did too, but I tried looking around.
"We're fucked." I said quietly. Usually my mom would shove soap in my mouth for saying something like that, but now she didn't care. Ally jumped up. Her blonde hair, like my moms, was so visible in the dark, unlike my night dark hair.

Things of the Night
AdventureMy twitter is @Redthuma, I'm currently working on this story, another story, and some art. Thanks for reading.