"Alex!" I heard my mother dad shout at me. I turned around to see the panic on his face. I didn't see my mother, brother or sister near him.
"Daddy?" Alex asks with total doubt. She knew what was going on.
"Alex, your mother, Ally, and James are in the truck, we have to go now." I felt my dads cold hand touch my face. I met eyes with him. I saw the fear in his eyes. His dark brown eyes glistened with fear and worry. I couldn't help but feel bad for him."Daddy, where are we going?" Tears began falling down my face. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay with my aunt, but she was already killed. Without a word, my dad grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the front door. I had no time to grab anything. I couldn't see the ground underneath my feet, it was that dark. I tried looking around with the little bit of light that was still left, all I saw was all the neighbors broken windows. I don't know what happened to them, but it's fair to say they're dead.
"Alex!" My mother said as she opened the door of the SUV. I saw my sister cuddled up to my mom, crying. My big brother, James, was playing with his pocket knife. I could sense their fear as well. It felt like a cry for help, but I stayed quiet as possible. I got in the truck and sat in the back with my mom. Even when the lights of the inside of the truck went off, I could see my mom and my sister's beautiful blonde hair. Hair I used to be jealous of, but now is comforting. Nobody talked for a long time. We were all filled with different emotions.
"Charles, where are we going to go?" My mom, Erika, asked my dad. I looked at my dad, his black hair was transparent to the darkness that surrounded us.
"I'm not sure. We just need to get away from here. There's just too many of those... things!" My dad said with a voice that felt so demanding, but gentle at the same time. I could hear my sister shifting in my mother's lap.
"What... are they?" My brother, James, asked. Throughout this whole thing, my brother tried staying silent and act calm, but I could see him trying to distract himself. With Ally being six, and James being 17, and me 14, it was always James taking care of me and my sister. He never showed signs of weakness to us, he knew we looked up to him. I couldn't help but feel bad for him.
"I don't know, son." My dad said in a hushed tone. I felt a hand stroking the back on my head. I looked over to see it was my mom. She seemed distracted by something ahead of us. She stayed quiet, but wouldn't stop staring. I looked towards the direction she was staring, and I wish I didn't. There were people on the side of the road, dead. Their bodies looked like they'd been ripped apart. I felt like I was going to vomit. I buried my head behind my mom.
"Damn it!" I heard my dad shout. It made everyone else jump. It was like thunder in the night. Ally let out a groan.
"What's going on?!" I said panicking. I was scared. More scared than anyone else. The truck came to a stop.
"Out of gas!" My dad said as he put his head down on the steering wheel. I heard my sister beginning to cry. My mother hugged her tightly.
"What will we do?!" My mother shouted at my dad. I've never heard the women shout before in my entire life, but she was livid now.
"I don't know, Erika!" My dad said, totally defeated. My mom looked down at my little sister.

Things of the Night
AventuraMy twitter is @Redthuma, I'm currently working on this story, another story, and some art. Thanks for reading.