Unexpected Encounter

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Izuku Yagi was just trying to have a normal day at school. Just doing his class work and trying to finish his homework early so he can the weekend. His ex-best friend Katsuki Bakugou. He was his best friend in elementary school but then everything changed. Bakugou got his quirk and it was amazing at a young age. As he got older, it only got stronger and flashier. Izuku on the other hand was cursed. He was quirkless which meant he never had any powers or any mutations. He was always bullied for this. Anytime he told his parents about this, they would always treat it like playground rough housing and think that it would go away in a day or two. However, it never did. It has been going on for 12 years. To make it worse his parents would constantly be out of town on business work so Izuku was always home alone by himself. However, even through all that he still wanted to be a hero. No matter what anyone said. He knows his parents would be worried but they would still want him to follow through on his dreams and would support him.
Izuku was interrupted out of his thoughts when Bakugo slammed his hand on his desk and exploded it, "DEKU!!! YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME!!!" Izuku was confused but then remembered the teacher saying they were going to talk about futures the last day of middle school. He got up and said, "Bakugou I know I'm not better than you. However, no matter what you say I am still going to be a hero. Not even, you could stop me. Got it." Izuku had snapped. He was tired of Bakugou's shit. He had dealt with him putting him down and attacking him constantly for 12 years and he was done.
Bakugou was standing there shocked. Deku had never spoke up to him or even defended himself ever for the past 12 years. Deku was always scared of him so he never expected this. What he did next did not surprise Deku. He slapped him and started beating on him. The teacher had left for the day and the students were cheering for Bakugou as he continued to beat Deku for 10 minutes. He stopped when Deku started bleeding and he was bleeding a lot and he had no regrets. He was always getting in his way. Whether it be doing the entire weeks’ worth of homework in a couple days or just showing up to class early. He felt like Deku was always trying to one up him. Him and his buddies laughed as Deku just layed there bleeding, bruised, cut, and beaten. They just left him to himself.
After about 30 minutes, Izuku got up. He was bleeding on his face and in quite a few places and was bruised a lot. He limped to his backpack and put it on. He then slowly limped home. After he got home, he cleaned up some the places on his face that were bleeding. He then changed into some normal clothes and went out to buy some food with some money his parents would leave him. He was always upset that his parents were not home. He thought they were just ashamed of him because he was quirkless. He knew his parents had quirks but they never told him what they were. He assumed it was because they thought he would be upset that his own parents had quirks and he did not. But in reality he did not really care. He just wanted to know more about his parents. All he really knew about them was that they were business people so they would be gone for long periods of times a lot so he very rarely got to see them.
Izuku was walking under a bridge as a slime villain popped out of the sewer and began to take over his body. While trying to fight back he felt really hot and his wrists were burning hot for some reason as he tried to fight back. He didn't think much of it because this has happened on multiple occasions. He tried to fight back but he couldn't. He was to weak. Just then someone popped out of the sewer and blew the villain away with a gust of wind. Izuku blacked out  after that. 'Is that IZUKU!!! Crap. Good thing I saved him. His mom would yell my ear off for a week'
After Izuku woke up after blacking out from All Might slapping his face really fast, "Young man. Young man wake up." Izuku slowly woke up and started freaking out that his favorite hero was standing right in front of him after saving his life. He kept asking him for an autograph and All Might signed his note book while keeping his smile. "Sorry young man but I have to take this villain to the police. Have a great day." "Wait All Might. I have a question." 'Shit I know what he is gonna ask. Don't ask it.' "I've always wanted to be a hero. All my life I have admired you. I've wanted to be exactly like you. Helping people with a smile. B-but." 'Izuku please don't ask it' "Can I be a hero without a quirk!" 'Yes he can. Tell him he can be your successor. He is your kid. No. I have to keep my personal feelings to my self.' "Young man no. Heroes risk there life everyday and get hurt or killed even with a quirk. So young man no. You cannot be a hero without a quirk. But you can be a police officer. Even though they get crap because the heroes capture most people it is a fine profession." Izuku didn't say anything. He finally accepted it. He could not become a hero without a quirk. His favorite hero, the number one hero, and the symbol of peace himself even said so. He just walked off with his head held low. 'Izuku I know how you probably feel. But I can't risk you getting hurt. Please forgive me.'
Izuku walked home. Not caring he did not get groceries. He knew his parents would be home tomorrow morning but he did not want to see them. He wanted to be alone for a while. He just had a dream he have had for 12 years and it was crushed in 12 seconds. He went into his room, which was full of All Might and the pro hero Giant. He tore down everything. He threw everything into the trash. He did not want to look at heroes in his room. He felt like a disappointment. Specially these two. He always thought of them like parents even though he never met them and they never met him. He would watch them on T.V. while his parents were gone. They would always make him smile. Now they just make him mad and upset. Mad he had his dream crushed an hour ago. Upset he could not be like the heroes he admired. After tearing apart his room, it looked completely different. His body felt hot again. He put his hand on the wall until it passed. After that, Izuku walked out of his house and left his phone here. He wanted to be alone. He needed to be. He did not want anyone contacting him.

Author here. Bakugo got saved by All Might FYI. Didn't feel like writing that part since everyone fucking knows it so. Also Everything from here on out in bold will be All Might talking or thinking in his buff form.

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