U.S.J. Part 2 and Flight

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Izuku was currently fighting off villains left and right. While doing this Izuku was thinking, "Why would they attack the U.S.J. I mean they have a lot of villains but hell. All Might could take all of these villains down. That means they have a way to beat him probably. But how is the question. None of these guys seem to have the experience of a full time villain. Probably just low level thugs. Should just go ahead and end this now." Izuku pointed both of his hand and used his strength enhancer quirk and clapped. The shock wave from this caused all the thugs to fly backwards and being knocked out from making contact with the ground or a wall. At the end of it the only one standing was the bird creature thing with wings. Then the guy with hands all over his body stood up and said, "You are really strong. What are you All Might's successor or child or something. Either way you are not stronger than Nomu here." He says gesturing to the bird creature, "He was built to go head to head with All Might while giving it 100% and he won't feel a thing. He is essentially a highly efficient punching bag that hits back. So even if you are somehow stronger than All Might himself Nomu will still be stronger." The hand man turned to Izuku expecting him to be shaking but instead of shaking he was smirking. Then Izuku smirked, "Finally a fucking challenge for me to go all out on and it not get destroyed immediately."

The hand man pointed at Izuku, "Nomu kill him now." The Nomu rushed at Izuku with such speed the air even moved out of the way and it threw a punch at Izuku. Izuku counter attacked the Nomu's punch with his own punch using 100% of his strength enhancer. When both of their fist collided the air around them shifted and pushed back on everyone. Izuku started hitting the Nomu as fast as he could. Izuku thought he would have the upper hand when it came to speed against the Nomu but he was so wrong. Every punch he landed the Nomu blocked it with another punch. They traded blow over and over. The students, Thirteen, and Mr. Aizawa who was semi awake were watching this. They were watching what Izuku was doing and that was giving it his all against an opponent no one knew. Izuku was putting his life on the line. For people he barely knew minus Melissa. While watching this one thought went through her mind, "Izuku please be ok."

Back to the battle Izuku and the Nomu were trading blows. Then the Nomu punched Izuku into the stairs and with such strength it even broke a couple ribs. Izuku took a quick look at his gauntlet and he saw that the ribs were highlighted in yellow. Meaning Izuku needed to end this quickly or else he could end up seriously injured. Izuku was about to run back at the Nomu as he felt his left wrist begin to feel light. Izuku looked up and saw the hand man disintegrating his suit on his left wrist and Izuku thought to get access to his left wrist so Izuku would only be able to use one hand. Before this happened Izuku punched the hand guy so hard he actually was sent flying into the Nomu. The Nomu just stood there like nothing. The the hand man said, "You really are powerful. But no matter how powerful you are you won't be able to beat Nomu. One of his specialties is shock absorption. No matter how power your punch is it won't affect him. So go ahead and give it your all. Eventually you will run out of stamina. Nomu here doesn't. So he will always have energy to spare." Then Izuku yelled, "SO WHAT ABOUT PUNCHING!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!" Izuku then fired a large fire blast at the Nomu. It was so large it even started to burn the people at the top of the stairs. The Nomu still stood there. Izuku was shocked it took a full on out fire blast from him. Nothing had been able to take that. Not even the robots Melissa made. Izuku then felt the backlash of his fire quirk. He felt a little cold. He knew he could only do something like that a couple more times before he wouldn't be able to use his fire quirk anymore. Izuku needed a plan. Then Izuku thought of one. Keep it distracted until All Might and Giant got here. Together they would be able to take this thing out. He just need to stall for time as his mom and dad got there.

Izuku summoned his chain spears and lunged it through the Nomu, "I have you now. No chance of getting away." Izuku gripped the chains tight and swung the Nomu around. He slammed it multiple times into the ground using both his strength enhancer quirk at 100% and his chains and 100%. Then he retracted the chains and ran at the Nomu hoping to catch it off guard and send it flying. Then when Izuku punched it the Nomu grabbed his hand and flew up to the roof. It then threw Izuku around and flew in front of where he threw him and it punched Izuku into a different direction and the Nomu continued to do this. Izuku was starting to lose consciousness. He could feel multiple bones already broke and the punching was making it worse. Then the Nomu grabbed Izuku by the face and flew down to the ground and slammed Izuku's face a foot into concrete. The force made giant crater in the ground and everyone felt it. Most of the students were thinking on how this thing took out Izuku. They knew Izuku was fast, strong, smart, skilled with weapons, had a powerful fire quirk, and he would never give up. Izuku always found a way out of things no matter how bad it was. If there was a completely dark road Izuku would be your light to help you wherever you went. If there was a long road filled with twist and turns Izuku would be there and would help you face everything so you wouldn't be alone. But now they saw that Izuku wasn't immortal. He was just like any human. And human's have limits and Izuku was close to reaching all of his limits. Shortly after Izuku passed out and the Nomu threw him up the stairs embedding him into a wall like Izuku had done to the other thugs when he clapped his hands.

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