Chapter Eleven: Third Times A Charm

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   "Look at that picture..." Coby said in shock.

   "That's Kaitlin. But who is that other lady? She looks kind of... old." Robert asked.

   "That was my nurse at the hospital. The one who wrote that note on the back of the Post-It Note. I'm pretty sure her name is Cleopatra R." Coby replied opening another tab on his computer and googling Cleopatra's name.

   "Why'd it say, "Thank You For Giving Us Your Information"?" Robert asked.

   At that point, Coby wasn't listening, "When I googled her name, this is what I found, "Nurse who works at the California Hospital. She was married, but never had any kids. Her husband died in 1984 due to an unknown cancer..." Coby said staring at Robert.

   "I wonder if it's the same cancer as the new one that killed so many people in California." Robert wondered.

   "Could be. I mean, it says that the cause is still unknown, so there is a large chance that probably what it is."

   The more they looked googled things about Cleopatra R. the more questions they had. Who really was she? Why didn't Google know much about her? Did she have any family at all? Was she part of a secret organization that no one knew about? What was the secret organization? They had so many questions.

   "I don't understand though, they look so happy in the picture. They almost look like they might even know each other! But the weird thing is, is that Kaitlin never told me about her, and I never knew her before I was in the hospital. Why are they in the picture together?" Coby asked sounding desperate for answers.

   "I don't know. My question is, is why does it thank us for putting in our information? Did they steal my info or something?" Robert asked.

   "Good question. I don't know the answer to that either." Coby replied as he scrolled down to the bottom of the webpage, "Maybe I can see the website's name and info down at the bottom of the screen."

   When he reached the bottom of the page, he learned that the name of the webpage was very ironic. It was called "". There was also a phone number. The phone number was 309-748-8243.

   "Should I call that number?" Coby asked.

   "Huh? What number?"

   "Oh my goodness, that number!" Coby replied as he pointed to the phone number on the screen.

   "Oh, uh... yeah!" Robert replied.

  "7 4 8... 8 2 4 3" Coby murmured to himself as he dialed the phone number.

   After he dialed the number, he clicked the call button, put it on speaker. He waited a few seconds, but no one answered. He dialed it again, no answer.

   "Third times a charm!" Coby said to himself as he dialed the number for the third time.

   He waited for about twenty seconds before someone answered.

   "Hello? Who is this?"

   The voice sounded scratchy over the phone. Coby replied, "Who are you?"

   "Excuse me? Who are you?" The voice asked again.

   "I will tell you who I am when you tell me who you are!" Coby said, almost shouting while Robert just stood next to the computer in complete silence.

   "Alright! Alright! My name is Cleopatra! But I will not tell you my last name. Now, who are you?" The mysterious Cleopatra said.

   "Your name starts with an R. Correct?" Coby asked Cleopatra.

   "How did you know that?" Cleopatra asked in suspicion.

   "Oh, a little birdie told me. Now just answer one question for me please."

   "Okay, whats the question?" Cleopatra asked sounding impatient.

"How do you know Kaitlin Keen?" Coby asked.

"I uhh..." Then, there was a loud beep. She had hung up the phone.

He was onto her. He knew that she knew something. He needed to know more about these secrets. He needed to know about the secret organization. And he couldn't wait to find out about all of those secrets.

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