Chapter 7

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-Easter Break-

Albus Dumbledore stood before the Wizengamot. "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Adrian Greengrass spoke, "it is the opinion of this court that your actions over the past ten to twenty years have been questionable at best, and at worst criminal. However, your actions previously, including the defeat of Grindelwald, have left us in a bind. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Dumbledore was well known for his twinkling blue eyes. Today those eyes weren't twinkling. He looked at Harry Potter, sitting in the gallery with Hermione, Draco, Narcissa, and the Grangers. Sirius Black was sitting on the Wizengamot next to Greengrass. The old man sighed, "I can only beg forgiveness. I have wronged Sirius Black and stolen ten years from him. I wronged Severus Snape by putting him in the position that I did. And I wronged Mr. Harry Potter. I put him in an abusive environment, never checked up on him, and laid out my own plan for his life." He looked toward Harry and Hermione, "I can only beg your forgiveness for my shortsighted, narrow mindset." He looked back at the Wizengamot, "I accept whatever punishment this august body deems fit."

Adrian Greengrass sighed. He really, really hated this. Sentencing Lucius Malfoy was easy. Sentencing those with remorse was harder. Snape was easier. His daughter loved that man and Snape had offered up pretty much every Death Eater on a platter. Giving him a light sentence appeased everyone. Dumbledore was more difficult. He'd done much for the wizarding world before Voldemort. He'd been stripped of every title save headmaster and that was only because the board of governors of Hogwarts was hurting with four of the governors being outed as Death Eaters. With a limited board Dumbledore was their only option for headmaster as they rebuilt themselves.

Thus the Wizengamot was in a bind. They wanted to strip him of everything. But with the removal of some board members as well as some Wizengamot members and plenty of ministry workers all three were feeling short staffed. Sirius took up one spot on the Wizengamot, and Narcissa had agreed to take a seat on the board of governors. That helped, but it wasn't much better. At least with the two of them they had enough to function. Adrian cleared his throat before speaking, "We would like to strip you of the title of headmaster, however we cannot see anyone who could replace you. So we have come up with the following solution. Minister Fudge has graciously agreed to place within Hogwarts a High Inquisitor. Madam Longbottom will take the role and watch over Hogwarts, reporting back to the Wizengamot through Minister Fudge. You will also pay to Sirius Black 1,000 galleons per year of his imprisonment. This is on top of the ministry's compensation of 1,000 galleons per year of imprisonment. To Severus Snape you owe 900 galleons in damages, and as for Mr. Potter......" Adrian licked his lips before continuing, "Mr. Potter does not ask for any compensation directly from you, instead requesting that the 10,000 galleon compensation be made as a donation to St. Mungo's in the name of his mother, Lily Potter."

When the court let out the Grangers, Blacks, and Harry waited outside for Sirius. Albus Dumbledore approached them, "I must say Mr. Potter, I was very impressed with your request. I'm not sure it means much from me but as their former teacher let me say that I think your parents would be proud of you."

"Professors Flitwick and Snape say the same thing," Harry nodded.

"What will come of our petition?" Hermione asked. Draco wasn't as good at reading Harry as Hermione was, but even he could see that Harry's patience was thin today. The Dursleys were being tried next. Sirius couldn't actually be a part of either case, but he was sitting in his seat for the Wizengamot out of protocol.

The headmaster nodded, "The Muggle Studies professor has been let go. We will be searching for a Muggleborn professor for that course. Professor Binns has also been removed. For now Remus Lupin will be taking over History of Magic. He's only a temporary solution."

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