Chapter 8

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Harry looked between the goblin and the head of the aurors, "So what happens now? Does he get arrested? Do we help?"

"You two stay back," Amelia frowned, "we'll handle it." Hermione gave Harry a look that said he better listen and he nodded in agreement. He couldn't duel a second year, let alone a dark wizard. He'd just stay back with the goblins. It was nice to be included and watch the goblins perform the ritual on the diadem. A few goblins stood in front of them putting up shields that all the humans, Amelia and aurors included, stood behind. One of the goblins working the shield explained that horcruxes attempted possession but Gringotts uniforms and items like the necklaces they all wore prevented possession. Harry looked at Hermione, "I'm definitely glad that they're doing this. Can you imagine if we had to do something like that?"

Hermione nodded before covering her ears as a scream was emitted from the diadem. Amelia cast a spell over the two pre-teens to muffle the sound, "Thank you," she said to the older woman.

Amelia smiled at her before Stoneslay finally approached them, "If you don't mind, Amelia, we goblins would like a stab at the supposed dark lord. He defiled our bank with his horcruxes, attempted to break in for the stone, and tried to kill one of our greatest clients." Harry looked at Hermione and mouthed 'me?' to which she nodded, though she was as surprised as Harry with that declaration.

Harry and Hermione were surrounded by goblins and aurors as they walked to Quirrell's office. Amelia indicated for Hermione to knock and she did, "Professor Quirrell? I have a question regarding the assignment for Tuesday."

Once he called out for her to enter a goblin opened the door and immediately five goblin guards brandishing swords rushed in and restrained him. "The back of his turban always smells bad," Harry said to Stoneslay. The goblin nodded and one of the guards pulled it away to reveal a face in the back of Quirrell's head.

"Potter! I will kill you!"

"Not with these magic restraining cuffs on you you won't," Amelia said, pulling them out, "The Ministry will want him."

"If there are any pieces left we'll see what we can do."

"I'm immortal!"

"Your horcruxes are destroyed," Stoneslay placed the items on Quirrell's desk, "You are merely mortal."

"I am the greatest wizard alive!"

Harry stared at Voldemort. "If you're the greatest wizard alive why were you defeated by a baby?"

Hermione knew what Harry was doing. Oddly she didn't object. To Harry's surprise, though, she joined in, "You might have a ton of magical people afraid to say your name but I can't see why. You're a terrible teacher. I'd expect more from a dark lord teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. If you can't teach defense how can you practice any dark arts?"

"Maybe he just made his followers do it all."

"The ones he was taking money from or the ones that turned on him?"

"Good point," Harry nodded. They both hid grins as Voldemort became very angry for a face on the back of someone's head. "Maybe he blackmailed them?"

"That's certainly feasible. I can't imagine anyone following this thing willingly. Unless they were an utter moron which given how genetics works and his followers are almost all purebloods......I suppose that's feasible."

Now Amelia was biting back a laugh. These two were baiting him to get a rise out of him in the hopes that he could justifiably be killed. Voldemort on trial didn't appeal to her either. He needed to be gone. Harry spoke, "Didn't his supposed followers all disavow him after he vanished? He might frighten innocent people but his followers must see him for the mediocre wizard he is."

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