Bird box 10

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3dr P.O.V

Namjoon- "let's bring him home..." He had authority in his voice, as the male in his arms was shaking a little.

Min - "b-b-but I d-don't want t-to leave." He had a small voice as he talk, and was stumbling over his words like crazy, but he didn't want to leave. Even though his family die here, and he was along. He didn't know these people. They could be crazy for all he knows. That's when he try to get out of Namjoons grab but all that did was made him hold the younger tighter. Taehyung was getting annoyed with this, so he went up to Min and grab his chin hard and made him look up.

Taehyung - "Look into my eyes little one." Min quickly looked into his eyes, so he would make him angry. He already hear him yell from being upset, he couldn't image if he was mad. The next thing he saw was red and blacked out.

As Min feel numbly into the olders arms, Yoongi sign as he took Min from Namjoon.

Yoongi - "let's go." With a snap of his fingers they where in hell.

The first thing they saw were the gates of Hell with all of their names on it. A small smile was on all of their faces as they saw their home again. It felt like they haven't been home in a while, and it made them happy to finally have some to share it with.(its only been 1 month just to let you know)
As they walked throughout the halls of their home, Min still in Yoongi's arms. They all notice how quite everyone was, and the stares of lust in all the people's eyes when the boys walked by, the stares where pointed to their little mate Min. Maybe because he was human, maybe because he was just so beautiful, who knows but they sure as hell didn't like it.That's when Jimin let out a growl and yelled.

Jimin - "What the fuck are you staring at, if its OUR MATE, than you better look some where else NOW." Jungkook quickly went over to calm down his older Hyung.

Min P.O.V

-our mate, than you better look some where else NOW-
I didn't know whos voice that was, where I am, who was carrying me? What the hell is going on! But I couldn't move, why the hell can't i move! So many question where going throughout my head. Fuck, fuck, and more fucks. Maybe I can talk, yeah let's try to talk. What would I say, what if they get mad at me for talking, I am a bady when it comes to pain, OML someone help me! The next thing I know I was put on something soft like a bed? A bed with silk, silk is expensive, why the hell am I on silk???

???? - "when do you think he will wake up?" I felt a hand move my hair out of my face.

????- "I don't know...-" than another one was holding my hand "-soon I hope." He had a sad voice. Even tho they did kidnap me, I am not a fan of people being sad. So I used all of my strength and open my eyes. Next my mouth. And saw 7 handsome man in front of me.

Min - "d-d-dont be s-sad, whoever you are?" They all looked shocked. I still don't know these man, but you got to always be happy. I sat up a little and let my head rest on the head board. No one spoke so I thought I would.

Min - "why am I hear, who are you, and why did you take me." I ask in a calm but fast voice.

???? - "one question at a time sweet heart, and take it easy ok." A guy with dimple said.

Min - "ok than why am I here?"

???? - "You are our little mate - ." Damn, damn, damn I fucking know what mates are. Fucking fuck fuck. Why me why. Lord why me. " - do know what a mate is little one." Another man who looked like a mochi said.

Min - "y-y-yeah." The next thing I know they all have big smiles on their faces.

???? - "Now let me tell you who we are.... I'm Kim Namjoon, one of the leaders  of Hell." The leader of what now!!

Min - "t-t-the leader of w-w-what now!?"


I'm sorry for not posting for a while. I just moved to a different state again, and had to get adjust. I had a lot on my plate to with myself and other things, but I am no different from anyone else who is going through things. So sorry for not posting, and I will try to get a chapter out every Friday night but until than bye bye my peeps and see you next week.

SmexyLexy iS oUt😗~

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