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Era- FaD

"So, truth or dare anyone?" Pete said as the rest of the band sat around in the studio. We had finished recording for tonight, but no one  wanted to go home.

"Pete, isn't that a game that middle school kids play?" Joe said from the lounge area. "We are mature people, not little 7th graders."

"Are you sure about that?" Patrick added as he read over some lyrics. "Like, we are basically adult-children. It makes perfect sense for Pete to suggest truth or dare, just look at him." Pete flicked him off from the opposite side of the room.

"Hey, let's not cause a band break up, now." I teased, causing Pete to roll his eyes. "But I'm bored, so why the Hell not?" I scooted my spinning chair closer. The guys glanced at each other, shrugging and nodding.

"It's settled, who wants to go first?" Pete asked, everyone looking at each other. "Andy, go." He tried to protest, but Pete's annoying ass was persistent, so he gave in.

"Fine," Andy huffed, "Pete, truth or dare?"

"No, it's gotta be someone else."

"Pete, I swear to God, go."

"It doesn't work like tha-"

"Pete for the love of all things!" Patrick said from beside me. "Just go." Pete put his hands up and finally caved in.

"Alright, alright. Uh, dare?" Pete hesitantly said. Andy sat back and smirked, thinking of what to say. Pete actualy looked somewhat scared, causing the rest of us to laugh.

"Ten bucks he backs out of it." Patrick leaned close to me and whispered, causing me to laugh. Andy cleared his throat, causing the two of us to bring our attention back to the game. He reached over to a blank peice of paper and handed it to Pete.

"Eat it." Andy said, grinning.

"The whole thing?" Pete asked, glancing at the paper.

"The whole thing."

"I've had worse things in my mouth, so fuck it."

"Wait what are you imply-" Joe attemped to ask, but he cut himself off as he watched Pete stuffed the paper into his mouth.

"I think he's gonna need some water." I said to Patrick. He nodded, smiling.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna get him some." He said before he stood up and went to the mini fridge. He returned shortly, throwing the bottle at Pete's head, causing him to let out a muffled yell. We all watched as he forced down the paper, laughing as he swallowed the last of it.

"Who's next?" He asked before taking a swig of the water.

"Me!" Joe said, sitting up. "Y/N, truth or dare?" I sat there for a moment, everyone looking at me.

"Fuck it. Give me a dare." I said.

"Play the piano with your nose." Joe said, pointing over to the keyboard. I sighed and stood up, thinking of a simple song to play. I switched on the keyboard and bent down, nose over the keys. The guys laughed as I attempted my rendition of Mary Had a Little Lamb, which sounded like the little lamb was ready to be put out of it's misery. The guys clapped slowly as I entered back into the lounge area, laughing and wipping away non existent tears.

"That was beautiful, Y/N. Really shows your talent and why you are in this band." Joe sarcastically said, earning a playful shove from me.

"Pete," I glanced over to him, "ask Patrick now." Patrick gave me a "I can't believe you've done this" look and I chuckled.

"You know the drill, truth or dare?" He asked, looking at Patrick.

"I know you are gonna jeer me for this, but truth." We all booed him.

"Who do you wish you could date?" Pete asked, poking Patrick.

"Now you really sound like a middle schooler." Andy mocked from the couch.

"Do I really have to answer this?" He asked, his face reddening. I patted his shoulder.

"Come on, buddy." I said, smiling. He looked at me and shook his head before standing up and exiting the room. The guys and I watched as he left, turning to look at one another.

"Good going, Pete." Andy said sarcastically. Joe nodded his head.

"Someone should go to him." He said, trying to peer into the room Patrick went into.

"And that'll be me." I said before anyone else could volunteer, quickly heading into the next room. He wasn't in there, so my next option was outside, where I found him sitting on a sidewalk curb. I took a seat next to him.

"Hey, Y/N." Patrick muttered. He gazed forward, his breath visible in the cold night air.

"What happened back there? You know you can tell me anything." I cracked a small smile. He simply looked at me before standing up.

"I'm just gonna say it," he turned his body to me, "the person I want to date is you." He shifted his gaze upward, trying to avoid me eyes.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" I looked up at him. I saw him as more then a friend too, I just never thought it would happen. "Patrick, answer me." I stood up as well.

"Y/N, I never told you because I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship or the band. The tension that could have formed, that probably will form, would hurt." He looked back at me, our eyes meeting. I was at a loss of words.

"Patrick...I-" I cut myself off, not wanting to say the wrong thing. He forced a smile.

"I understand, Y/N. I'm gonna head back inside." He stuck his hands in his pockets and turned around, heading back to the studio. I didn't know what to do, so I ran and grabbed onto his arm. He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. I didn't know what to do, I stood there dumbly as I held onto his arm, studying his face.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" He whispered, gazing at me. I dropped my hand from his arm and put it to his cheek before pulling him close, our lips meeting. He was taken back, but eased himself into the kiss. He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me closer, our bodies sharing heat in the cold. Finally, I pulled away.

"I don't think this'll jeopardize anything. For now, this can be our little secret." I whispered to him. He nodded before I pulled him back in for another kiss, this time more strong and passionate.

"Y/N," he pulled back, "we should go back inside before they get suspicious."

"Okay." I muttered, eyes half-lidded. I quickly pecked his lips before we let go of each other, the night being the only one to know our secret.

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