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Patrick and I laid in bed, his arms wrapped around my waist, his head nestled in the crook of my neck. I smiled as I looked at the new ring on my left ring finger, which had only been there for a few hours now.

"I can't believe you're gonna be my wife." He cooed. I giggled as he sat up and cupped my face, pulling me in for a kiss. It was short and sweet, full of love. I pulled back to see him grinning, making me feel happy, knowing that I have him and he has me.

"So, how long have the guys known about you wanting to propose?" I asked. Patrick let out a soft laugh.

"About a month before hand. They helped me figure out which ring to get you. Looks like they did a good job considering how much you keep looking at it."

"I love it, Pat, and I love you." I pushed myself up on my elbows to kiss him again. He scooted closer, eventually straddling me. He pulled back and laughed at our position. While he was distracted, I quickly pushed him off and crawled on top of him.

"Wow, okay. Power move much, Y/N?" He stared up at me and I giggled, tapping the tip of his nose.

"You know you like it, at least that's what Pete's told me."

"He fucking told you that I like it when yo-" I quickly cut him off with a quick kiss. He looked up at me and pouted his lips, trying to look upset.

"That's not gonna make me feel bad, Mr. Stumpy." I looked down at him as he studied my face before I was suddenly pulled down, his hands gripping the collar of my oversized tee-shirt, pulling me into a kiss. Patrick eventually let go as we made out, his hands running up my sides, slowly pulling up my shirt. I sat up so I could quickly pull it off before returning to his lips. His hands moved to cup my breasts, which were already braless due to it being night time. I moaned into the kiss as he tugged on  my nipples, and I felt him grow hard beneath me. I left the kiss and gently grinded on his hardening cock, going slow to tease him.

Suddenly, Patrick sat up, grabbed my waist, and forced me into the bed, his body hovering over me. I went to grab his shoulder, but he quickly snatched up my arms and pinned them above my head, holding me by my wrists. He dipped his head towards my ear.

"You're not going to be in control tonight, got it?" he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Pat-" I was cut of as he grabbed my throat, his fingers applying pressure to it's sides.

"Don't call me that. You know what to call me. Say it." Heat rose to my face as I. He starred down at me, his blue-green eyes piercing into mine. "Say it."


"That's more like it." He released his grip from my throat and wrists and slowly kissed down my body, sucking and biting. Gasps left my mouth as I felt his teeth mark my S/C skin. He got to my hips, kissing the bones before pulling down my panties. I felt his breath hit my lips, making me press my thighs together.

"No, spread your legs. Let Daddy take care of you." I did as he said, his grip now going to my thighs. He dipped his head down, giving a long lick up my clit. He let go off one of my thighs, his fingers spreading my lips as he attacked my clit. Quick, sharp moans left my mouth, my hand's clenching the sheets.

"Fuck!" I moaned out as he began to quicken his pace, his tongue moving at an ungodly speed. I felt the familiar sensation rise, but he lifted his head and got up.

"You're not getting off that easy, Y/N. Beg for it." He kneeled in between my legs, stroking himself through his boxers.

"Please let me cum."

"You can fucking beg better than that."

"Give me your cock, Daddy. Fuck me." Those words immediately sent him. Patrick pulled off his boxers and grabbed my waist, aligning his cock with my entrance.

"You want this?" He spat, pushing himself into me. My eyes rolled back as I felt him enter me. "Say it. Say you want me to fuck you."

"Patrick...Please fuck me. Make me your bitc-" I moaned as he began thrusting, showing no mercy. My legs wrapped tightly around him, drawing him in closer to me, giving me every inch.

"You fucking love this, huh?" Patrick grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. I gazed at him, his forehead lightly beaded with sweat, his hair a mess, a pink flush to his cheeks.

"I-Fuck!" He hit my spot, causing me to scream out. He smirked and continued to hit it, both of us a moaning mess.

"God, you feel so good, Y/N." His thrusts became slower, showing signs of him nearing his orgasm. "Fuck!" He pulled out, his cum shooting onto my belly, moans leaving his mouth. Before I could react, his fingers where swirling around my clit, causing me to yelp.

"F-Patrick! I'm gonna-"

I woke up, sitting up on my elbows. I glanced down to my left hand, seeing my engagement ring and then looking up, seeing Patrick still asleep.

"I know I did not just have that type of dream." I thought to myself, smirking. As much as I love Patrick, he's not into all that, but hey, a girl can dream.

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