The bite part 1

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The zombies are getting closer. Tyler jumps out of the truck and is killing zombies. he forgot to put the magazines on his wrists. he faught, as I sat in terror.

Right now my fear overcomes me, and with out hesitant, I ram the truck into the zombies.

Once all the zombies are down, Tyler gets back in the truck.

He takes 2 cap full of water to wash a little blood off his hands.

Once he washes some off, he uncovers a bite.

All at once my fear, regret, and strength didn't matter. My love, or whatever I felt, wasn't going to do shit.

I wrap his wound in one of my scarfs.

Tyler's face goes blank. he has the face of a man, who knows he will Die.


I take my driving shift, and Tyler is rubbing around his wound, and looking down at it.

I feel like I'm also effected with the plague. like Tyler is a part of me, the part of me that's dying.

I feel my heart crack, and everything from my arms to my hands, from my legs to my feet, are tingling in fear.

There's nothing I can do. it's not a snake bite where I can suck the venom out. he's as good as dead.


As I'm driving we stop to eat, then I read a email that my dad sent me. it read:

Dear Annabelle,

The doctors and I are close to unlocking the cure for this plague. but until then, stay safe. I hope you haven't done anything with boys. I still haven't seen your mother, but I hope she's with you. and in case....i....die, I just wanted you to know, I love you. you and your mother are the only things I'll die for. I love you.

Sincerely, your dad.

Wait, he's close of finding a cure. then maybe he can cure Tyler, well before his time comes.

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