The bite part 2

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After dinner, eating a squirrel, I tried to sleep. but, I was scared. I felt my heart stop beating.

"If I die, or when.....i just wanted you to know I love you." Tyler's voice shook, then he turned around, facing his door. after those words, I didn't know how I felt. I tried to ignore what he said so I could sleep.

We came to the island. but, Tyler was dying. he died and turned Ito a zombie."no! in sorry. I never got to tell you how I felt!" I say as I am backing into a corner. Tyler's eyes turned black, dark, empty. he bit my neck, and ripped into my spleen.

The pain shot through my body, until the pane stopped. then I died. I felt my blood turn black, and my eyes turn black.


I woke up with a jolt. I felt the pain come up like a knife, then the pain deflated like a ballon.

Luckily I didn't wake up screaming. uhhhh! I thought I was done with the dreams.

I get up and yawn. I scramble through the food, and pick out a can of tuna. I eat and eat, but all I can think of is how I felt about Tyler.

I know he's going to die, but I can't shake this feeling off.


So I decide, instead of go to the island well right now, I'll go to the facility that my fathers working at, if he's still alive.

it's my driving turn, so as Tyler's asleep, I drive to his hospital, which is 30 minutes away.

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