(A/N) Note

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Hey guys! Ask us anything and we will answer your questions but if you have some dares on the animatronics or me we will do it but again there will be no inappropriate stuff in here just ships ok?..now type in what your gonna ask or dare on us..

Bonnie:I'm so excited!!!
Marionette:Me too!!!
Phantom Chica:And I hope they'll stop on calling me a watermelon..
Nightmare Freddy: don't worry I'm sure they'll stop all this nonsense..
Ballora:and I hope they can stop saying that I'm thicc!!
R.Foxy: um...*no comment on ballora's comment*
Me:Ballora... seriously? Not everyone is calling you Thi-

(Carry on typing your questions and dares)

Ask & Dare The FNAF Characters (Including Me)Where stories live. Discover now