Freddy:Ask us anything!!!
Withered Bonnie: And we will answer them!
Springtrap:but not some inappropriate..
Nightmare Chica:Yeah..but if you have a Dare we can do it..
Funtime Foxy:again..not some inappropriate stuff😑
Lefty:Hope you enjoy your stay...
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Bon-Bon:S-sorry b-but it's t-true.. F.Freddy:well..It is k-kinda m-my fault... F.Foxy:Look I'm sorry...*hugs them and then gets wet* uh oh...*starts twitching and sparking,F.Freddy and Bon-Bon starts twitching and sparking as well* F.Foxy,F.Freddy, and Bon-Bon:...*Starts Laughing*
(Sorry Guys if it's late upload because data is losing connection so I hope you understand 💙)