Freddy:Ask us anything!!!
Withered Bonnie: And we will answer them!
Springtrap:but not some inappropriate..
Nightmare Chica:Yeah..but if you have a Dare we can do it..
Funtime Foxy:again..not some inappropriate stuff😑
Lefty:Hope you enjoy your stay...
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Puppet:... it's only a day right? Phantom Puppet:yep.. Nightmarionne:this will be fun.. Security Puppet:oh dear... *30 minutes later* Freddy:my head... right arm! Chica:my hands! Foxy:What the!? My left leg! (In this one Bonnie didn't lose his face,Chica hasn't have a broken jaw,Freddy and Foxy isn't that much damaged so does Golden Freddy..) *In the other room* Puppet:welp...we really screwed up Phantom Puppet:yeah..not to mention that they almost killed us.. Nightmarionne: especially Foxy has a hook.. Security Puppet:Lucky for us..we aren't that much damaged..