29 - Club rules

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I'm not surprised that Mateo comes in with River the following evening. I go to greet them, noting River's flushed features and sexy bed hair – he's clearly just been pretty thoroughly fucked, quite possibly in the parking lot. Mateo doesn't beat around the bush. 

"Master Gray, will you train me how to be a Dom?" 

"Well, I could, but we'd have to get permission from Master François and you would have to pay, Doms are not in nearly such high demand in the club as good submissives." 

"That's not a problem. Is Master François here? I'd really like to know if I can do it." 

I tell them to wait and go find Frankie. He raises an eyebrow, but agrees to meet with Mateo and River in his office. When we get there, he's there with Ellis. 

"So, Mateo. You want to train as a Dom?" 

Mateo glances at River, who nods encouragingly. 

"Well, Sir, it's not exactly that. I'm not a Dom, and I don't think I would be able to be one, but I'm in love with River, so I want to learn to be more dominant, to give him pleasure." 


"Yes, Sir." 

"Okay, that's a pretty normal level of training that we offer. Here's a brochure, with a contract detailing the terms and costs. Read it over and then we can talk specifics." 

Frankie passes Mateo the shiny, expensive looking brochure. That was Ellis' idea, and it's worked a treat so far, potential Doms being impressed by the professionalism, meaning they baulk less at the huge dollar amount on the last page. 

 After some time reading the terms, Mateo looks up. 

"It all seems fine, so I'll make decisions about the direction the training will go whilst it's happening? And River can be present and take part?" 

"Yes. It's always preferable to have your own submissive to take part, for a far more authentic experience. And you can select which Dom from the club you want to guide you, but they are within their rights to refuse." 

Mateo opens the brochure to the relevant page, examining the bios for Frankie, myself, Xander, Dexter, Chase, Landon, and Christian. We'd all agreed to take part in the Dom training when we agreed to take part in the submissive training. They can often be done simultaneously and it's as much in our interests to have well trained Doms as it is to have well trained submissives. 

River and Mateo whisper together for a moment. 

"If he'd agree, we'd like Master Gray to train me, please. I already trust him, so I think it will be better." 

"I'd be happy to," I smile; I figured they'd choose me, after all they already asked, and I think they made a good choice based on what I suspect their needs will be. 

"Good," Frankie smiles, "so it's just the matter of payment." 

River whispers to Mateo, looking a little pale as he's seen the figure, even more of a surprise as his training was free. 

"It's okay baby, I'll just tell the trust lawyer I'm buying a car or something. And it includes club membership for me for a year too – you'll want to keep coming with me won't you? After your two months is up?" 

Yay for trust fund babies. 

 * * * * * 

When it comes down to it, Mateo's training is easy. He and River have started this new relationship of theirs already agreeing to be completely honest, and they seem to have no trouble maintaining that, particularly Mateo, who is so easy going he's positively horizontal. 

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