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"You are scaring me, Beomgyu. Just say it!"

"Remember our promise?" Beomgyu asked her. Lei looked at him in confusion.

"What promise?" Lei looked like she is into it and Beomgyu couldn't hold his smirk so he turned around to smirk. Really...

"U-Uh... I thought you said that you w-wouldn't forget our promise..." Beomgyu looked down pretending to be sad. Keep your acting together, Beom.

"What? You are confusing me, really."

"When we were kids, w-we met - in the mortal world. I was just like the mortal people then, until I realized that I'm different from the mortals and grew my horn. I was sad and scared because they were calling me a monster so I ran away. Then I met you. You promised to stay by my side and-and you comforted me. You said that I am different in a good way and that I am not a monster." Beomgyu said as he purposely cracks his voice and fake cry.

He is clearly





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уỖυ ᗪØn'т ᛕ𝓝𝑜ฬ 𝕋𝓗𝓐ţ. ⓡⒺ𝐦єм𝓑𝑒𝔯 ŤᕼA𝔱 ⓎẸσNʲⓊⓝ 𝕚𝓈 𝓽ⓗєℝ𝑒...


"Oh. You are that kid? I'm sorry I don't remember. It's just the kids face isn't clear and vivid in my memories." She softly said. Beomgyu continues to hold his smirk as he is successfully fooling Lei.

"It's okay. I'm just glad that I've met you again and I told you this! I've missed you." He said and Lei stood up to give him a hug.

"!ɿɘƚʜǫuɒb ʏm ƚuo ǫᴎiʞɔɘʜɔ qoƚꙅ"

Beomgyu's eyes widen as he heard some devilish voice in his head.

"Did you hear that?" He asked Lei as he broke the hug. "Hear what?" Lei asked back.

"Maybe I'm just imagining things." Beomgyu brushed it off and giggled.


oml i feel like this chapter is creepy and spoiling things


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