Chapter 1

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Faith’s POV

Katherine Acreman

11 Pinecrest Road, Breaux Bridge, LA

Dear Katherine,

I know we haven’t spoken in several years but, when we were best friends when we were together in england before you moved we were as close as was humanely possible. I kinda hoped that you would be able to help me with this problem like we always helped each other before. So I’m going to tell you my story now.

It all started last month. My boyfriend, Chase, started acting really weird. He was always acting really suspicious of me, as if he suspected that I was cheating. I caught him checking my messages on my IPhone one day, it was kinda creepy. Around that same time, my close friend Harper was also starting to act really weird. She was asking me all the time how Chase was and how we were going in our relationship. It was getting so often that she was asking me every time I saw her and I was starting to get a bit suspicious myself. Every time they were in the same room together, they would both stand at opposite sides of the room basically, and would barely talk to each other. If only I hadn’t been so stupid and “In Love”. Love? There is no such thing as love. It’s Fake. A Lie. Lust. There is no love. But, of course I thought I was in love with Chase so I couldn’t see what was right in front of me.

I’d planned to surprise him. Show up on his doorstep and maybe we could watch a movie or something and then … do stuff. It would have been my first time. You know? I wanted it to be special and I thought he loved me but, I got to his back door and I heard Harpers voice. Because I was so blind I thought, Yay! They’ve made up and now they might not act like they’re on different planets but then I heard them talking and kissing and… more.

His bedroom has an open window/wall kind of thing so you can see in really easily. I saw them kissing and.. eugh it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. It was like someone shooting me with a missile and then bringing me back to life so they could do it again and again. I took my revenge. I grabbed a large rock that was near where I was standing and threw it as hard as I could at the window/door thingo. It shattered it and all they saw was me running off.

I officially broke up with Chase two days ago. I don’t think I’ve stopped crying since. I still feel like I have completely given up on men. I don’t think I’m ever going to love someone again. This pain is almost too much to bear.

I’m sorry I rambled on about a lot of things but I really just needed a friend (NOT harper) to talk to about this stuff and you were the first person I thought of. I’ll put the return address on the back so you can help me with my problems if you feel like it. Thank you for listening.

Yours Sincerely,

Faith Woods

Tears had fallen on the paper but I ignored them and wiped any remaining off my cheeks. I sealed the envelope, attached a few stamps and ran down to catch my mother, Rose, before she left to go shopping.

“Rose?” I called as she opens the door with her empty shopping bags in hand. I’d always called my mother Rose because she believed that to grow up, you must behave like a grown up, which means, calling your parents by their first names. “Rose, can you drop off this letter on your way to shopping?” I handed her the sealed envelope.

“Yes of course baby!” she exclaimed. I don’t know why I’m not allowed to call her mum but she is allowed to call me baby. “Who is this for?”

“Do you remember when we used to live near Katherine?” I ask, reliving a few memories of the trouble Katherine and I used to get ourselves into “well I’m sending it to her because we haven’t spoken in a while”

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