Chapter 4

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Congratulations if you managed to read through the those 3 chapters. If your confused about what's going on just ask me, because honestly, I'm confused on what's going on. So here's chapter 4.
Sandra Zahhak
The scuffle outside distracts me from my usual cleanup. Honestly, I should be used to this sort of thing by now. It's my own fault for moving into a highblood society. In order to survive here, you have to truly enforce the Hemospectrum. And there lies my one fatal flaw- I don't care. I honestly could not care less. I am lucky of my status and ranking on this planet, but those are only titles. I don't actually wield any authority.
But what does it matter? It doesn't. It doesn't matter.
I scoff and return to my sweeping. If only a certain lusus would help instead of lounging about. I mean, he's a freaking butler, I shouldn't have to clean without him.
I take a break after my chambers are finished to look at my phone. Phones nowadays are rare, I'm lucky to have one-even if it is crappy. Once I pick it up it begins to vibrate, indicating a call.
"Right on cue," I mutter, answering. "Who is this?"
"That's no way to talk to your future emperor."
"Is this Saturn?"
"No, it's the ghost of gristmas past. Of course it's Saturn."
"What do you want?"
"First of all, don't use that tone with me. I'm your superior, in case you forgot. And secondly, as much as I hate to admit it, I need your help."
I smirk, playfully wrapping the phone cord around my finger, "The big mighty heir needs help from lil' old me? I'm honored."
"This is a serious matter."
"Then get the Serket boy to do it for you. He's better at the kind of jobs you dish out."
"You're the only one who can do this."
"What exactly will I be doing?"
"You are familiar with the Captor girl who lives north of you? The one who's hive is next to mine."
"I've met her a few times, yes. Don't you have a flush crush on her?"
"That is besides the point. She's not in her hive and hasn't been home in 2 days."
"How would you know wether she's home or not?"
"Like I said earlier, besides the point. I just need you to find out where she is and who she's with."
"And how do you expect me to do that? I hardly know the girl, and you aren't giving me anywhere to start."
"She's most likely at her moirails house down south, but I don't want to travel that far."
"Do you have an adress?"
"Do I really have to do this?"
There's a short pause. "There's always the option of culling."
"Fine. But I want some sort of payment."
"Maybe. Good luck," He says quickly before hanging up.
If I had a choice I wouldn't be doing his, but it looks like I don't. It's a shame that girl has to put up with Saturn, she was very sweet. Oh well, what she does doesn't effect me.
I pack a day's worth of food and water into my bag and head south.
The trip was lonely, but I like being lonely. I used to have a moirail-but I think we both agreed that things couldn't work out. How could they, with me enjoying the time I spend with myself more than the time I spend with him? That whole experience ruined relationships for me. In short, I fucking hate people. But we all have to put up with them.
I had an idea of where this girl lived. There's a remarkably small amount of lowblood society's nowadays, with the culling rate and its highest ever. I was going to the safest one I knew-lord knows what could happen to me if I went anywhere else. Lowbloods can be extremely violent towards highbloods, but it's usually the way around. Still, I didn't want to take any chances.
After my six hour walk of crippling loneliness haunted to a stop when I reached the township, I knew exactly what hive to go to. How, you might ask? Simple.
The windows were open.
I could see her, along with 2 girls and 2 boys. I reach for my bow in my backpack, but decided to keep it there for now. I don't need them to attack me right away.
Of course approaching them wasn't exactly in the job description either, but I needed to talk to one of the boys there.
All eyes turn on me, and the girl Saturn was looking for goes into a fighting stance.
"Slow down. I'm not here to hurt you."
She goes back into her beginning stance and glares at me. "Who-"
"Sandra Zanhak. I would tell you why I was here but I'm afraid that's not possible." I turn to the jade blood. "Marana. How have you been?"
"Just fine. It's been a while." He sighs.
"Yes it has." I size up the others in the room. "So these are the ones you decided to run away with?"
The one with the grey symbol turns to him. "You left her?"
"No, I did not. We decided our relationship couldn't work."
I smirk, "No possible way."
The bronze blood, sensing an awkward silence, spoke up. "Is there any other reason you wanted to talk to us? Because I'm not really convinced you're here to help."
I scoff. "Don't be rude. I'm only here on orders of the former heir."
Saturn's target tenses up. "Shit. Really?"
"Why else do you think I would be here?" I ask. "Look, just-what's your name?"
"Alright 'Carehn', I guess I'll leave you be then.
"Wait!" She frowns. "Is there any way you can avoid telling Saturn where I am?"
"Perhaps. But it would cost me 12 hours of my precious time and a reward."
"Oh please," the rust blood scoffs, "You're rich enough."
"Maybe." I nod, "Then it is settled. But that means we never met."
I leave without hesitation. I need to figure out a way to explain this to Saturn quickly or he will cull me.
I'm not sure if I'm more upset that I won't have anything for Saturn, or that I had to endure Marana once again. He's still the same arrogant asshole he always has been.
God I wish we were still moirails.

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