Chapter 5

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Sander Megido

She won't stop glaring at me.

The blue blood.

It's making me really uncomfortable.
Oh my god stop. Look the other way. God no just stop. I don't like being looked at look away. What am I some sort of-oh my god she looked away.

Thank god.

As she continued on about her past relationships I retreated to my room to pack up some belongings. I always felt threatened in the presence of highbloods anyway.
God I am such an idiot. But I really agree on what they're saying! I mean, sure, Jemmah's really against highbloods but she's got the wrong idea.
I would never tell her that though.
We're all just as good as each other. It's all about the quality of the heart. Mind. Soul. All that shit.
My pack was unsurprisingly empty, nothing more than a couple of bucks and some food.
I look around my tiny room, which was right next to Jemmah's. She's going to torment me for months about making me drag her along on this trip. Sometimes I seriously question why I maintain this relationship with her.
Then I mentally slap myself.
Sure she's bossy and pushy, but that's who she is. And if you couldn't deal with it you wouldn't have moved in with her.
Jemmahs bangs her hand against the doorway. "Are you ready yet?"

I turn. "Almost."

"Hurry up. I need to emotionally detach myself from this hive as soon as possible." She scans the room and locks eyes with me, glaring, "If anything bad happens to either of us it's your fault.

"I know." I sigh deeply, "Lets go."

She scowls. "Don't act so sentimental. You're the reason I'm leaving a perfectly good give to go live in the woods with my moirail, who I haven't seen in a sweep, and her new pal."

I grip the small pack and make my way towards the kitchen with heavy steps. It'll be worth it though. One day we'll all be equal. At least, I really hope that's how this'll end.
Everyone is waiting in the kitchen. Marana is shooting a glare in my direction, but I think he does that for everyone. I saw him do it to Jemmah.
I think.

In silence we make our way towards the door. Jemmah grabs my hand. Hers look small and frail in mine. I smile down at her but she only frowns back up at me. I try to perk her up, "Maybe one day we'll come back."
She rolls her eyes. "Maybe."
After walking in an uncomfortable silence for the past 2 hours, Thabre speaks up.
"This is awkward."

"You can always turn back," Marana scoffs, looking in my direction. I blush and look to Jemmah for help.

She scowls back at me. She's right. I need to fight my own battles.

I turn back to Marana. "I'm fine, thanks."

"Well look who can talk" Carehn smirks. She wasn't dragging her feet like the rest of us, instead she was alert and walking at a healthy pace.
She scares me.

Jenmah turns to Thabre."So what's the plan, exactly?"

"We'll set up camp in the woods ahead and Marana will go into town with Carehn and get something for us to eat. The I'll go into town the next day and do my daily speech and we'll keep moving."

"What about me and Sander?" Jemmah asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll help me spread awareness. Ideas that are unique. You'll appeal to certain castes."

I frown. "That doesn't sound like a whole lot."

"It is. Even though it may not seem like it."

"Look, lets just deal with it tomorrow." Carehn interrupts. "It's almost sunrise"
We all keep to ourselves for the rest of the night.

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