Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sitting on the couch, I look at my phone. I head to bed and can't sleep no matter how hard I try. I look at my phone to see the time and see it's close to midnight and I am still no closer to sleep than I was two hours ago. My mind won't shut off. All I can think about is Happy. Lying there, I unlock my phone and dial his number. "Hey little girl." he says. "Hey." I say. "You sound tired." he says. "I am. I can't sleep." I tell him. "Missy..." he starts and I stop him. "Can you come over?" I ask. "Yeah baby. I'll be there in ten." he tells me.

Ten minutes later I hear his bike pull up. I open the door as he walks up and as he walks in, he pulls me to him. I wrap my arms around him as he kisses the top of my head. As we release, we walk to the couch and he sits down with me sitting next to him. "There's something I need to tell you and I need you to hear me out okay." I say and he nods. "I've dealt with women like Ima my entire life. Constantly being made to feel like I was never going to be worth anything. My last boyfriend was worse. If I went to eat something he would ask me if I really needed to be eating that. Saying that I was big enough already. Telling me that I'm disgusting and that no one would want me. He wouldn't touch me. Telling me that if I were skinnier that he wouldn't be so embarrassed of me. When Ima started saying all of those things, it all came back. Lyla told me that the only one that seems to think that I shouldn't be with you is me. And she's right but it's not because I don't want to be. Trust me. My heart's there. It's my mind that won't get in line." I tell him. "So what do you want to do?" he asks. "I still want that date but Happy I just need you to be patient with me." I say. He kisses me softly and says "Anything you need." I look at him and say "If you still want me to be your Old Lady, I want that but I need to know it's really what you want." I say. He pulls me to straddle him and cups my face before saying "It's the only thing I want." before kissing me deeply and I feel the tears start to fall before his lips ever leave mine.

We sit like that for awhile before he asks "You want to lay down?" I nod. I stand up and he does too. Walking to the bed, I get in while he strips down and he finally sees the shirt I have on and smiles. "I thought since it smelled like you it would help me sleep. But it didn't." I tell him. He lays down and says "Come here." I move to lay next to him and lay with my back to him. He wraps his arms around me and whispers into my ear "Goodnight little girl." I snuggle back into him and say "Goodnight Happy." before finally finding sleep.

I wake up the next morning and he's not in bed. Getting up, he's on the phone so I head to the kitchen to get coffee. He walks into the kitchen and wraps his arms around me. "I called Jax and said I was hanging with you. He's going to let Luann know that you're taking the day too." he say. "Okay. So what are the plans?" I ask. "We're making it an all day date." he says smiling. I look at him and say "I'll go get ready." I walk to the bedroom and put on a pair of skinny jeans, a form fitting Jimi Hendrix shirt and my ankle boots. I french braid my hair and apply a little makeup and when I walk out to the living room where Happy is, he smiles and kisses me softly before saying "You look beautiful Princess." He takes my hand and leads me out to the bike before we leave.

Pulling up to a diner, we get off the bike and he laces his fingers with mine as we walk to the door. Going inside, we get a booth and he sits across from me. We look at the menu and when the waitress comes to get our order, he orders and omelet and bacon and I order scrambled eggs. He looks at her and says "Add bacon and a waffle to hers." I look at him and he says "You need to eat. You're perfect." I shake my head but don't argue. After we eat, we head out to the bike and just go for a ride. A little later, he pulls up to these bluffs. The view is breathtaking. We walk over to a tree and he sits against it and pulls me between his legs. "I have something for you." he says. I turn so that I can look at him and he reaches into his kutte pocket and pulls out a chain. Looking at the chain, I see a ring on the end of it. "This was my first reaper ring. I want you to wear it if you will." he says. I nod and he puts the chain around my neck. I kiss him softly before turning my back to him and leaning against him. "I want this Happy." I tell him and feel his hold on me tighten slightly. "I want this too." Happy says. I turn to straddle him and say "If this is going to work, we need to talk this shit out." I tell him. "Okay." he says. "I know about the run rule." I say. "Doesn't matter. Don't want anyone but you. Don't matter where I am." he says and I look at him. "Why do you want me?" I ask, looking at him. "You're beautiful, smart, you have curves in all the right places. Everything about you is under my skin little girl." he tells me. "You really want me to be you're Old Lady?" I ask. "Yeah. I do." he says. "Okay." I say. He smiles and asks "Okay?" I kiss him softly and whisper against his lips "I'm your Old Lady." He deepens the kiss and before we can come up for air, his phone goes off. He answers, never taking his eyes off of me. "Yeah. On our way." he says ending the call. "We have to get to the clubhouse." he says and I just nod.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, we walk in, hand in hand and see everyone smile. Jax calls church and they all head towards the chapel. Happy kisses me softly and says "Stay inside until I get back out here." I nod and kiss him softly before he heads towards the door. Lyla walks over and hugs me and says "You look better." I smile softly and say "Getting there." I look towards the chapel doors and then back to her and say "He took me for our date. Took me to breakfast and to the bluffs." I tell her. "How was it?" she asks. "It was good. We talked. I explained to him that my heart was in it but that my mind wouldn't get in line and explained why and he seemed to understand." I tell her. "That's good but you two seem to be okay." she tells me. "We came to an agreement. He'd be patient with me while I get the shit out of my head and I agreed to be his Old Lady." I tell her. She pulls me into a hug and whispers "I'm so happy for you." When she pulls away, Gemma walks up and asks "What's going on?" Lyla looks at her and says "She's Hap's Old Lady." Gemma smiles, hugs me and then says "Welcome to the family sweetheart." I smile and say "Thank you." A few minutes later, Happy comes over to me and says "Let's talk." We walk to his dorm and he locks the door. Crashing his lips with mine, I can't help the laugh that comes from my mouth. He pulls back smiling and says "I told the guys that we're official so I'll give you my crow at the party tonight but we have some things to take care of first." he says. "Okay." I say. "I'll fill you in when we get back but I just needed a minute with my Old Lady." he says. I pull him to me again and kiss him softly and ask "How dangerous is what you're going to do?" I ask. "Meeting with another club about doing business. Nothing too dangerous but I still don't want you outside without a patch. We're keeping all Old Ladies here until we get back." he tells me. "Okay. Just please be safe." I tell him. "I will Princess." he says.

We walk out to the main room hand in hand and see everyone smiling at us again. We walk outside to see our guys off and as I walk to Happy's bike with him, Tig asks "You two finally get your heads out of your asses?" Happy flips him off and I say "Something like that." He straddles his bike and pulls me close to him. "Please be careful. I just got you." I tell him. "I will baby." he says before kissing me softly. Pulling me close, he whispers something I never thought I would ever hear. "I love you Princess." I look at him shocked before a huge smile crosses my face and I whisper back "I love you too baby." I kiss him one more time before the guys head out and we head back into the clubhouse.

Walking to a table, a couple of the croweaters bring us glasses of wine. "What was with that shocked look on your face when you saw the killa off?" Gemma asks. I blush a little and say "He told me he loved me." I tell her and the entire table looks at me shocked. "I know. Guys like him don't just throw that word around." I tell them. "What did you say?" Tara asks. "I told him I love him too because I do." I tell her and everyone at the table is smiling.

A couple of hours later, the guys come walking in and I see Happy with a gunshot wound to the side of his head. "Oh my God. Happy!" I say as I run to his side. He pulls me close and says "It's just a flesh wound." Chibs sits him down and starts cleaning it up while Tara gets her medical kit to stitch him up. I don't say anything else but just sit in front of him. He takes my hand and sees that I'm worried and says "It grazed me. I'm fine Princess." Once Tara gets him stitched up, we head to his dorm and once inside, he goes to the shower and I just sit on the bed, looking at my hands. When he comes out, he gets under the covers and tells me "Come here." I strip down and grab one of his shirts out of his drawer and lay next to him. Putting my head on his chest, I feel the tears. "I'm okay baby." he says. I look up at him and say "Happy, another quarter inch and you wouldn't be." He kisses me softly and says "I will always come back to you. Trust me, I've had worse gunshot wounds." I look at him and he says "Okay. Bad example but still. I'm fine. But I would feel better if my Old Lady were laying with me." he says. I kiss him softly and say "I love you Happy. I just got you." I tell him. "I'm not going anywhere Princess. I love you so fucking much." he says before I snuggle back into his side and we just lay there until we drift off to sleep.

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