Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

***Gracie's POV***

The next day, Gemma and I are sitting in Abel's room and making our list of what we need to do for the wedding when Jax walks in. "How's the kid?" he asked as he kisses me softly and then kisses his mother's cheek. "He's good. Dr Namid said we might get to hold him in a few days." I tell him. "That's great news." he says. He walks over and says hi to Abel first and then asks "You planning the wedding?" Gemma looks at him and says "Getting together a list of what we need to do. Can't actually plan it until you two decide on a date." Jax and I look at each other and he says "Can you put a small wedding together in two weeks?" He sees my shocked expression and says "I want to marry you as soon as possible." He kisses me softly again. "I can put something together in two weeks. Just family at my house. Have the ceremony in the garden." Gemma says. "Mom, that's a great idea." Jax says. "Well, now that we have the date and the place, we can get to planning." I say. Jax's phone goes off and he looks at the text and says "I gotta take care of some things. Don't leave here until one of us come to get you." Jax says. "Okay baby. I love you. Be careful." I say. Kissing me he says "I love you too." before walking out the door.

Two hours later, Gemma and I have everything decided for the wedding but just have to make the phone calls to get everything set up. Juice comes in and says "You ladies ready to go?" We nod. I walk over to Abel and tell him "See you soon baby boy. Mommy loves you." He starts moving his arms and legs like he's excited. "That boy loves his momma." Gemma says. We get in the car and head to the clubhouse.

We are almost to the clubhouse when Gemma goes to hit the breaks. Nothing. "Shit. I can't stop." she says. "What?" I asked. "No breaks." she says and a second later, we hit a tree head on. I hear Juice's voice. "Shit! Gracie? Gemma?" I hear before losing consciousness.

Waking up, I hear beeping and see bright lights. Opening my eyes, I see Jax standing there. "Baby. You're awake." he says, leaning down to kiss me softly. "What happened?" I asked. "You and Gemma were on your way to the clubhouse and Juice said you didn't stop and he didn't see any brake lights. What do you remember?" he asked. "We were driving and she said she couldn't stop. That there were no brakes." I tell him. There's a knock on the door and the doctor comes in. "Hello Gracelynn." she says. "Hi." I say. "We ran some tests and looks like you got out of it with just some bruises to your face and a concussion." she says. "That's good right?" Jax asked. "Yes. It could have been much worse. You facial bruises are from the airbag but the concussion is from your head hitting the headrest on the back of the seat. We can send you home but you need to be monitored closely. Woken up every couple of hours and asked questions to make sure you're regaining your cognitive thinking." she says. "Thank you doctor." Jax says. The nurse comes in a few minutes later with my release papers.

Once released, we head to see Abel since we are already there. Walking in, Dr Namid is there. "How's he doing?" I asked. "Good. Looks like tomorrow we can take him out of the incubator and you'll finally be able to hold your son." he tells us. "Really?" I asked, excitedly and he smiles at me and Jax. "He's come a long way. He will still have to be here in the NICU but you will be able to come in and hold him after tomorrow." he tells us. "Thank you Dr Namid. That's the best news." I say.

***Jax's POV***

After Dr Namid leaves, Gracie pulls me to her, hugging me. "We get to hold the kid." she says with tears in her eyes. "Hey, baby. Hey. It's okay." I tell her as she sobs into my chest. I think all the stress of everything has gotten to her. "I got you baby." I tell her. When her sobs finally subsided, she says "I'm sorry. I'm just stressed out. The wreck, shit with Tara, it's getting to me. Hell the only things not stressing me are Abel and the wedding." she tells me. "It's going to be okay. Look, we know someone tampered with the brakes. We just don't know who. But, babe, we will find out." I tell her. "I know. But who could it be?" she asked. "We don't have any beefs with anyone right now but that doesn't mean anything." I tell her. We head back to the clubhouse and see Tig there. "How you feeling?" he asked Gracie. "I'll be okay. Just hope my face heals before the wedding." she says. "You finally decide on a date?" he asked. "Yeah. Two weeks from today and you gotta give me away." she tells him and his face lit up. "You got it Doll." he tells her.

"Church!" I head Clay call. We all head into the chapel and Clay starts. "We believe we know who tampered with my Old Lady's car." he says. "Who?" Tig asks. "Tara." he says. I look at him shocked. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. "While you were at the hospital, we found someone snooping around. Got him talking and he said that he was paid to cut the brake lines on Gemma's car and Gracie's. We already have Gracie's car here to fit the brake lines and make sure nothing else was done. We still have him at the warehouse but we need to draw Tara out. She's not gonna stop until she's out of the picture." Clay says and I nod. "Let's take care of him and then we'll find her." I say and we all get up.

Walking out into the clubhouse, I pull Gracie up and lead her to my dorm. Walking in and locking the door behind us, we sit on the bed. "We know who cut the brake lines." I tell her. "Who?" she asked. "Tara paid some guy to cut my mom's brake lines and yours." I tell her. "Shit. What are you going to do?" she asked. "We are heading out in a few to take care of the guy but then we are going to have to draw her out." I explain. "Okay. Do what you have to do. But please be careful." she tells me. "I will baby. I got you and the kid to come home to." I tell her before kissing her softly. "I love you Jax." she says. "I love you too." I tell her.

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