Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It's been a week since I was served with papers and I have not let Abel out of my sight. Last night, I slept in the rocking chair beside his crib with him holding my finger. It's time for court and Gemma has Abel. We walk in with Rosen and see Wendy standing across the hall from us. I snuggle into Jax's side and he rubs his hand up and down my back.

Inside the courtroom, Wendy is on the stand. "Why do you feel you should have sole custody of Abel Teller?" the judge asks. "He's my son. I was in a bad place when I had him but I'm better now. My son needs his mother." she says. "What makes you feel that Abel is being abused by Mrs Teller?" the judge asks. "Because she doesn't care about Abel. She only wanted my ex-husband." she tells the judge. "That doesn't answer my question." the judge says. "I saw him with the sitter at the park and he did nothing but cry. He's not happy." she tells the judge. "Why are you seeking custody from Mrs Teller but yet Mr Teller isn't listed?" the judge asks. "Because, my son still needs his father. Not his little club whore." she says.

Now it's my turn on the stand. "Mrs Teller, can you tell me a little about your relationship with Abel?" the judge asks. "I have been there being his mom since he was born. When Ms Case gave birth, she had drugs in her system. He was born with a hole in his stomach because of the drugs she used. I was at the hospital every day from the day he was born and ever since his release. I am the only mother he knows." I tell him. "Why did Ms Case see him with a sitter at the park?" he asked. "The only time that he has been with a sitter was when my husband and I were on our honeymoon for one day. He was with his grandmother, not a sitter. But regarding her comment of him crying, he does cry when he can't see me. He's been like that since before he was released from the hospital." I say. "What about the abuse allegations?" he asked. "That's just what they are. Allegations. Ms Case doesn't have a clue about Abel. When she left the hospital to go to rehab, my husband and I allowed her to see him for a few minutes, feed him and spend a little time with him before she left. That's the only interaction that she has had with Abel. That was after she signed over all of her legal rights." I say. "Well, thank you Mrs Teller."

Jax takes the stand. "Mr Teller, can you tell me about your wife's relationship with you and your son?" the judge asks. "She's been amazing. She was there with me and Abel since the day he was born. She loves him like he's her own and as far as he knows, he is hers." Jax says. "What about the comment that Ms Case made about your wife being a club whore, as she put it?" the judge asked. "I met my wife through my club, yes. But Ms Case was the one that was a pass around. My wife is actually the sister of one of my club's members. We pretty much grew up together so I don't know where Ms Case gets that she's anything but family." Jax says. "Do you believe your wife is a danger to your son?" the judge asks. "No. I don't. She's been nothing but a loving and doting mother to him." Jax says. "Well, let's take a short break while I make my decision." the judge says and we all walk out to the hall.

A half hour later, we are called back in. "Ms Case, I have looked over your allegations and taken in all of the information from all three of you and have made my decision. Custody of Abel Nathaniel Teller will remain with Mr and Mrs Teller. Ms Case, you are to have no contact with the Tellers. You sighed over your rights to the child when he was born and caused him harm before he was even born. I suggest you get your life together and move on. You have no legal rights to the child. If you have any contact or cause any issues for the Tellers, you will be placed into a correctional facility for a minimum of five years. Do you understand?" he asked her. "Yes your honor." she says. We are dismissed from court and head home. As soon as we walk in the door, I take Abel from Gemma and hold him as close as I can get him. "Judge sided with us." Jax tells Gemma as they watch me hold my son.

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