Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

***Jax's POV***

Gracie and I have been back from the cabin for over a week now and every minute that I am not doing something for the club, I am with her. I am slowly starting to see the old Gracie coming back. It's Friday, that means a party. I walk into the office where she's working. "Hey babe." I say, kissing her cheeks. "Hey." she says simply. "You wanna hang out at the party tonight?" he asked. "Yeah. We can. You wanting to crash here?" she asked. "Yeah." I tell her. "I need to go home before the party and grab some clothes for tomorrow." she tells me. "Okay. You need me to tag along?" I ask her smirking. "I think I can pack my own bag Jackson." she tells me with a hint of a smile on her face. Leaning down, I kiss her softly and say "Okay babe." before heading back out to the garage but before I make it to the door she calls my name. "Jax?" she says. "Yeah babe?" I ask. "Thank you." she says. I walk back over and kiss her again before heading back to work.

***Gracie's POV***

Gemma came in to relieve me so I walk to the garage where Jax is. "Hey Jax?" I say just loud enough for him to hear. He raises up from the car he's working on. "Yeah." he says. "I'm heading to get my things. I'll be back soon." I tell him. "Okay. Sure you don't want me to come along?" he asks. We still haven't had sex but we are at least sleeping in the same bed. "Nah. I'll be back in a few." I tell him. He kisses me softly before letting me go. "Pack enough for a couple of days. We can spend the weekend here." he says and I nod before heading to my car.

Walking into the house, I head to my room to and grab my overnight bag out of my closet. I pack for a few days like Jax said and head to the kitchen to grab a bottled water. Seeing the answering machine light blinking, I press play. Hey Gracie. It's Chris. Give me a call when you get this. I messed up. I should never have ended things with you. Please call me.The recording says it was from this morning. I delete the message and head out the door.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, I head inside and see Jax sitting at one of the tables. He sees me and walks over to me. Taking my bag, he takes my hand and leads me to his dorm. Walking inside, he shuts the door and puts my bag on the floor by his desk. Walking over to me, he cups my face in his hands and says "You are so fucking beautiful." He's been telling me this a lot lately. He's also been making sure to be affectionate and kissing me a lot. It's been hard keeping the negative thoughts from my mind but it seems like he can always tell when I am doubting myself and he steps in to show me different. Kissing me softly, he leads me to the bed. Laying down, he hovers over me and just kisses me. When we break the kiss, he looks me in the eyes and asks "You okay?" I just smile softly and nod before kissing him again.

***Jax's POV***

Gracie and I walk back out to the main room and she heads to the bar to talk to Gemma while I head over to Tig and Clay. "She seems better brother." Clay says. "Yeah. She does. She still has her doubts but all I can do is remind her that she's worth it." I tell them. "Thanks brother." Tig says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I didn't just do this for her man. I really care about your sister. You okay with this?" I asked Tig. "Yeah. Would rather her be with you than some punk like she was before." Tig says and be hug.

***Gracie's POV***

Sitting at the bar with Gemma, she sees me looking at Jax and smiling. "How's that going?" she asked. "Good so far, I think." I tell her. "You think?" she asked. "Yeah. I'm not stupid Gemma. I know this is just to get me out of my funk but this is the closest I will ever be to being with him. He'll realize soon enough that he's too good for me and move on." I tell her. "That's bull shit and you know it." she tells me and I look at her. "You don't see how he looks at you. I do. Everyone does. Sweetheart, you are his rock. Just like he's yours. That shit right there? That's what relationships are. You let that prick put that shit in your head that you weren't good enough but Sweetheart, you are. Jax sees it. We all see it. We just need you to see it." she tells me. "You know, I went home to pack my bag and there was a message on the answering machine? It was Chris." I tell her. "What did he want?" she asked. "He wanted me to call him. Said he messed up calling things off with me. I just deleted the message." I told her. "Good. You don't need him." she says. "I know." I tell her. "Does Jax know?" she asked. "No. It's not important. He just wanted me to call him." I tell her and she nods.

One of the croweaters walks in. "Gracie, there's a delivery here for you." she tells me. Gemma and I walk outside with Jax and Tig behind us. There's a bouquet of pink roses for me. I sign for them and look at the card. Please call me. I'm sorry and I miss you. Chris the card reads. I hand them to the croweater and ask "Can you get rid of these for me please?" She looks at me confused but does as I ask. "Who were those from?" Tig asks. "Chris." I say before walking over to one of the picnic tables. Jax and Tig follow me. "What did the card say?" Jax asked. "Just wanting me to call him. That he's sorry and misses me. There was a message on the answering machine this morning too. I just deleted it." I tell them. "You gonna talk to him?" Tig asked. "I guess I should tell him it's not going to happen. Then he might stop calling." I say. I pick up my cell phone and Tig says "Put it on speaker." I do as he says and Chris answers on the second ring. "Hey Gracie." he says. "Hey Chris." I say and before I can say anything else he starts speaking. "I miss you. I shouldn't have ended things with you. I'm sorry." he says. "Chris, I'm seeing someone so please stop calling." I say hoping that would be the end. "You're seeing someone? Who are you seeing?" he asked. "Doesn't matter. Just please stop calling and sending flowers." I say. Apparently this pissed him off. "Who are you seeing? I'm the only one that feels sorry enough to be with you. You know guys don't like chubby chicks." he says and before I can say anything else, Jax takes the phone from me. "Listen up and listen good. Gracie's my girl now. You don't call her. You don't come around her. You forget she existed. She deserves better than the shit way you treated her. Now, lose her number or the next time, you deal with me." Jax says before hanging up. I look up at him and see he's pissed.

***Jax's POV***

After getting off the phone with her piece of shit ex, I was pissed. I stormed into the clubhouse and to my dorm. I just needed to calm down a minute. I'm sitting on my bed with my head in my hands, taking deep breaths when I hear a soft knock at the door. "Yeah." I say. The door opens and Gracie walks in with her head down. "You okay?" she asked softly. "Come here." I say. She walks over and before she can sit down beside me, I pull her to stand between my legs. Wrapping my arms around her middle and my head on her stomach, she starts running her fingers through my hair and it actually calms me. "Are you okay Jax?" she asked. I look up at her and say "I am now." I pull her down to sit on my lap and wrap my arms around her. Kissing her softly I tell her "He calls you again, you tell me. Okay?" She nods and I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck. She's still playing with my hair. We sit in silence for a few minutes before she stands up and says "Party's starting. Let's go have some fun." I stand with her and we head out to the main room.

***Gracie's POV***

Walking out to the main room, Jax intertwines our fingers and leads me to the bar. Ordering us a couple of beers, he leads me over to the pool tables where Opie and Donna are. Jax and Opie start playing a game of pool and me and Donna occupy one of the couches. "How's that going? You and Jax?" she asked. "Good I think." I tell her. "You think?" she asked. "I don't know." I tell her. Donna is my best friend. She became my best friend after Tara left and she saw how I was there for Jax. "Let's get some air." she tells me. We kiss our guys and head outside. Sitting on one of the picnic tables, she says "Spill. What's going on?" she asked. "You know how long I have loved Jax. Now, he says he wants to be with me and he's not done anything to make me believe otherwise but there's just something in the back of my mind telling me that he's going to leave." I tell her. "Sweetheart, you know what he told Opie?" she asked. I shook my head. "He told Opie that he can't figure out how you and him didn't end up together before. He said you were his constant. You were the one woman that never left him. When Tig told them how he found you? He lost it. He told Opie that he couldn't lose you. Told him that you were the only thing holding him together. You're his glue sweetheart. Not the club. You." she tells me. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. Now, let's go inside before they send a search party after us." she tells me and I start laughing.

***Jax's POV***

Gracie and Donna come walking back in and Gracie comes right to my side. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her temple. Her arms wrap around my waist and her head is against my chest. She looks up at me and I can't believe how beautiful she is. She's beautiful, but that kind of beautiful where she doesn't realize it. She's sweet and caring. She's mine. "You want another beer?" she asked me. "Yeah babe." I say before kissing her lips. She heads to the bar and I watch her the entire time. "Your shot man." Opie says and it snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up and see him and Donna both grinning at me. "What?" I asked. "Glad to see you happy again man. Her too." Opie says. As she brings me my beer, with her own in her hand, I realize as he steps back into my arms that I am really happy.

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