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Likes: 1043  Comments:184evelynprkr: Wouldn't change you for the world

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Likes: 1043 Comments:184
evelynprkr: Wouldn't change you for the world.❤️
[tagged jeffkins]

jessd: Omggg so fuckin' cute!!

hannahbkr: That's an understatement^

evelynprkr: Haha thanks hannahbkr , jessd

jeffkins: I wouldn't change you for the universe❤️❤️

tigerdempsey: Go tiger jeffkins!!

bryceyourdaddy: What's yours is also mine right bro?

jeffkins: Don't you dare Bryce.

Wish to block bryceyourdaddy?


Don't worry about Bryce okay?
I'll deal with him.

Jeff no just forget about him.
I already blocked him if he tries anything in person I'll tell you.

I just don't want you to be in danger.
He's not a good guy.

Yeah Jessica told me what he did...
Why doesn't he have concequenses?

He's rich and he can buy his freedom. The only thing we can do for the moment is be aware of what he does and not get you in that position.

Not only me. We need to protect at least every girl in Liberty High. I don't want any other girl to be affected by this filthy disgusting animal.

I know baby. We will work on it I promise.
I can talk to coach and get him out of the team.

That's a start. Thank you babe.

Don't thank me love I'd do anything for you.❤️

Still thank you.❤️❤️


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