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evelynprkr: -But I can't hear the voice when your heart beats next to mine🖤
[tagged jeffkins]

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hannahbkr: Awww i love my parents!!
jessd: Same sister^
evelynprkr: You two are so lame lmao😂
jeffkins: I can't quit you!🖤
itsfoley: Wow bro didn't know you could be such a romantic lil boi.☺️
evelynprkr: I tend to have that impact on people itsfoley
justalexplease: Peep the tattoo!!
sherithecherry: Alex you're such a loser😂^
justalexplease: ouch😢 sherrithecherry

New text message from 'My bby boy❤️'

My bby boy❤️

My HOME run❤️
Yeah bby?

My bby boy❤️
I can't sleep

My HOME run❤️
Aww why??

My bby boy❤️
Idk I'm just nervous abt tomorrow.

My HOME run❤️
Jeff you're the best on the team and trust me when I say you're gonna fuck the other team up.

But do you wanna come over? Maybe you'll sleep better.

My bby boy❤️
Yeah that'd be amazing. I'll be there in 10'.


The doorbell rang and Evelyn ran downstairs to open the door. Jeff was standing outside with a bag with all type of snacks and his varsity sports bag with his clothes inside.
"Who is it Evelyn?" Her mom shouted from the kitchen "oh it's Jeff mom!" "Oh what a surprise!" She said as she came to the door "Why are you standing there young man, get in" mrs Parker said as she stepped aside to let Jeff in. "So mom we're gonna go upstairs watch some Netflix. Btw it's okay for Jeff to stay right?" Evelyn asked hesitantly her mom "Yeah it's totally fine! But hey not too much of 'chill' alright?" "Omg mom!" Evelyn said as she took Jeff's hand who was chuckling.
"Sorry for my mom." She said as she closed the door. "No problem she just wants to protect you." "From who? The big cuddly bear who came with snacks and a smile." She said as she wrapped her arms on his neck and kissed him gently on the lips. "So what are we watching?" He said and turned on her laptop. "Hmm how about... The Vampire Diaries?" She said knowing it's their binge watch show. "TVD here we come." He said and both of them laughed.


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jeffkins: So we stay in this mess, this beautiful mess tonight🖤

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montydlcruz: Woo Netflix and *chilling* I see.😏
ryanshaver: Fuck off montydlcruz
tigerdempsey: What's up with you two and the lyrical captions lately?🤨
jensensbrain: Better start studying Jeffy boy..
hannahbkr: *Cute* buzzkiller🙄^
evelynprkr: And we don't have a thing to lose no matter what they say or do, I don't want nothing more, our love is untouchable🖤


Longer one today oopppp!
My exams are killing me ugh.
Btw the songs in this is "Quit" by Ariana Grande and "Beautiful Mess" by Kristian Kostov. (Eurovision Song Contest 2017)

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