Day 3 5/8-9/19

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 Today was boring. I had my french test I hope I did well! I also had a panic attack because of a quiz currently I am procrastinating. I hate homework. It is the worst thing in school!!! nothing eventful happened today i was feeling like shit. OOOOOOOOOOO sorry heh heh crap.... feeling like crap. I toks a looooong nap.

     Okay so I did not update yesterday but that is all I wrote!.Sorry guys. whom ever you are... Anyway I turn 16 tomorrow! man, being 15 ducks. ooops I mean sucks..... cant see.... No glasses on! heh. I had a panic attack today in my health class. I was fuuuuuun... not really. It was so stupid toooooooooooooooo! i wish today never had happened but. Thats all for today JustplainLily is justplainsilly annnnnnnnd out!

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