The Legend of the Nine Planets
(The continuation of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina)
After being divested from powers and being sent away by her beloved husband Tungkung Langit, Alunsina was nowhere to go, being literally powerless, Alunsina went to a place where she belong, a place where she will never be found, a place not even her husband will never think of finding her, and a place where the darkness resides...
While Tungkung Langit was being devastated and being eaten by his own guilt of sending her wife away, Alunsina busied herself by strolling around the darkness. She walked nowhere to be exact, hours of her walking, she found nothing, nevertheless,she continued to walk as if she will find a place to stay. Meanwhile, she got tired and find herself sitting in the middle of the darkness, her eyes was continuously blinking and she felt the energy consumed her...
Bright. All she saw was light. She was awaken by a very bright light, jolting herself up from sleep,her eyes went wide and she unconciously hanged her jaw, she was very surprise of what her eyes was playing her with. She saw where the light came from and she was very surprised to see her treasured jewels shinning and twinkling not far from where she was steadily standing.
There, she saw the pieces of her neclace spread around the earth, it is as if they were dancing from the lights that reflect to them making them twinkle,they were the stars. Her comb that she use to straighten her hair now gives light to the dark side where she stand, shinning bright even at the darkest part, It was the moon.and her crown, shinning brightest, and the brightest of them all, hanging from the bright part opposite to where she was. It was the sun. It was a very beautiful sight to see that a few tears escape from her eyes. It was very overwhelming, but Alunsina misinterpreted the thought of what she saw. She thought that, because of her husband's full hatred of what she did, he even throw away all her treasured jewels. And that made Alunsina angry and jealous, angry for throwing away her posessions and jealous because thats what made the earth more attractive than ever.
Alunsina decided never to come back to her husband, Tungkung Langit, instead, she tried to create an Earth-like planet, but the powerless she was, she first find things to create one, she stepped near the earth, but not near enough for her husband to find her, she grab a few pieces of her scattered neclace and quickly fled away, once the pieces were dragged on the opposite side, she examined the pieces and think of the things of what she will do with it.
She tried things that she didn't even know what she was doing, she even tried to put the pieces together hoping to create what she wanted, but she failed, she tried and tried until she had enough, out of her frustration she grab a piece and threw it away, shouting "I just want even just a planet!" and at her surprise the piece grew bright and a strange red round object appeared. She was shocked at first, but snapped out of surprise, and quickly threw another piece and repeated what she did, and another strange looking blue round planet appeared, and that same moment she discovered that her neclace had magic, where she can wish of something and it will be granted by throwing it away.
She was not satisfied with her two-first creation ,so Alunsina tried another, and it appeared to be almost like the Earth but Alunsina was still not pleased, so she tried another, but failed, she tried repeatedly but still she failed, until she created a total of seven disastrous planets, but still, she was not satisfied enough, the planets she created was a complete disaster, if it's not cold then. it will be hot or even there will be no air to breathe, no living will be able to survive with the planet she wished for, out of her frustration of trying to creating a perfect Earth-like planet she never noticed that the piece she was about to throw was the last one of the stars she took. Unwisely, she throw it away and wish for a close earth-like planet, she screamed out of frustration, for the planet she created was the smallest of them all. Grabing another star, she realize that there was no stars left. Alunsina, was disappointed of what she did, she can't come back to grab another stars, for the earth was clouded with rains and even the thunders, which she was not happy about, and at the end she just decided to reside to the third planet she created, which was more like an Earth.
Some of us still believed that Alunsina was still residing at Mars, which she created the closest Earth-like planet,planning on creating a planet that resembles the Earth to get a decent living just like her husband Tungkung Langit.
The End
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Author's Note: This story is an original work, please do not plagiarise.
The story is purposely made for it was once a given assignment in my literature class of Mr.Mopera. At first, I never really had an idea of what to write so I decided to just work on with my other assignment which is Science, and it turns out that we have to search for the pieces of information about each planet, and when I finished doing those, I went back trying to figure out what to write... when a sudden idea just pops into my mind. I put those two together and WHALAH! I made up this crazy story.
Well, I just want to thank Mr.Mopera and Mrs.Olivar for being an inspiration to this one-shot-story.
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GreySantiago- - - - - - -
Tungkung Langit and Alunsina (Sequel)
Historical FictionPlagiarism is a wrongful appropriation & publication of another authors' language, thoughts and ideas or expressions and the representation of ones' own original work. Please, do not Plagiarise. All rights reserved ©2013 Page 1. Tungkung Langit and...