Well now I'm in a huff. Tweek just asked me to be his boyfriend, and I don't know what to say!
"Erm, well alright. BUT promise to keep it a secret!" I answered
"GAH OK!" He replied
"So what shall we do?" I asked.
"Err... How about a GAH movie?" He answered
"Oh OK!" I replied
Let's see, The Conjuring Annabelle, No way! Thats too scary!, The Hare and The Tortoise, Nah too fucking fabley, The Three Little Pigs, Perfect.
"Tweek! We're watching The Three Little Pigs!" I called out, then heard a direct "Ok!" Call back.
"Craig!!!! The pig is going to be eaten by the wolf!!!! Is he going to survive!?!?!" Screamed Tweek.
"Hush hush hush! Its going to be a OK!" I whispered, then Tweek fell asleep after a moment.
He sleeps like a kitten! He's so cute and sooo mine!.
*the next morning*
"Craig! Craig! Craig!" Tweek shouted.
"What's up my Tweek?" I replied.
"Schools canceled cos GAH its a snow day!!!!" He screamed
"What???!?!?...." I said then started flailing my arms everywhere and danced, Tweek started to join in with me, it was so fun!